Saturday, September 13, 2008

Alaskans for Independence

I was seventeen years old when I first came to Alaska with a door-to-door magazine crew. Sucked in by the pioneer lore since the second grade, I lept on the ad that said, "Travel Alaska-Hawaii-round trip transportation paid!" The job was bizarre, (even for 1974) but I fell in love with the people, and I've been coming back ever since. Notice I didn't say I fell in love with the spectacular beauty or the hunting and fishing, I said the people, because back then, Alaska was all about the people who lived here, and I liked a LOT of them.

There just isn't enough space or time to write about all the experiences I had that sold me on Alaska, but there is so much being written about Alaskans and what Palin stands for that I'd like to share some of my thoughts on a few things.

Like the Palins, I supported the Alaskan Independence Party in the 1980s. Back then I voted Libertarian and knew a few crossover people in Fairbanks who became devoted to the founder of the AIP, Joe Vogler, and are still very involved in the party. I owned a house off Farmer's Loop Road when Vogler was murdered nearby in 1993. If it wasn't for my anti-communitarian studies I would probably still be an AIP supporter, and I would probably still consider myself a Libertarian too. But unlike the Palins and many of my fellow Alaskans, now I understand all too well what it would mean to take the Alaska statehood issue before the UN International Court. Like the Lakota Nation, the Alaskan people who think they will gain independence from a UN court will be very suprised if and when they see that all they did was to help the UN consolidate power. Today I cannot endorse or support any proposed action based on a UN Treaty or international law, no matter how much I support (portions of) the complaints.

""The question, basically, was, 'Shall the statehood act be adopted, yes or no?'" Chryson said. "But the 1947 United Nations charter -- and I'm no fan of the United Nations, however, that is a treaty the U.S. signed -- states that Alaska is a non-self-governing land."

"As such, he said, "we were entitled to have a vote on self-government." Those choices "include independence, territorial status, remain a state or become a separate, independent nation. The 1958 vote had just two choices, not the four."

"That vote was "also a violation of international law, because U.S. military personnel" stationed in Alaska at the time "were permitted to vote, encouraged to vote and told how to vote." Under the law, Chryson said, "since they were not local residents, they shouldn't have been allowed."

"Ironically, he said, in Latvia and Lithuania, when those nations were allowed to vote for independence following the breakup of the former Soviet Union, "they followed international law and the occupational [Soviet] forces were not allowed to vote.""

Jeff Rense decided right before the show we did Tuesday night to not talk about Palin during our interview because of the way she is being attacked in the left-wing press. But near the end he asked me how Alaskans feel (or think?) about Palin's nomination. I had to say I can't speak for all Alaskans, I can only speak for me. And the truth is, whereas 30 years ago I liked most everyone I met, today I dislike just as many. Our state, like everywhere else, has been invaded by communitarian agents of change.

Our state population has almost doubled since 1992, and guess what kinds of people started moving up here? When I came in the 70s, we respected the old timers who had lived here forever. We newcomers who stayed after the pipeline money went away ("God grant us another pipeline, we promise to not piss it away next time" - Alaskan bumpersticker) learned everything we could from the hardy folks who had learned to survive in this harshest of environments. We marveled at their courage, stamina and humor, and I always loved the fact that you usually couldn't tell a millionaire from a pauper (and no self-respecting Fairbanks man wore a suit).

It's different now. The "new" Alaskans brag and preach about what good people they are. They don't build anything that contributes to the local economy but they know how to get grants that make sure nobody does. They push their unbelievably stupid agenda in a land where many of them have no background or experience. I know the same people are in every state now, too bad more Americans don't know their whole plan.

Now many people will disagree with this, but Alaska is almost exactly the same as anyplace else I've lived. Up here it's the religious rightwing Christian/Bahais who push the UN sustainable agenda and run all the global Community oriented events. In Seattle it was the Democrats who pushed through all the new land use and behavior regulations. They may fight each other in the elections, press and blogsphere, but I guarantee you they're not fighting during Community and Economic Development meetings where they're applying for millions in grants. They all get a piece of the pie. In my humble opinion, Sarah Palin is a traitor, because the millions in grants she procured for the tiny town of Wasilla helped these communitarian outsiders to balance the rights and liberties of Alaskans and all Americans into oblivion. The question for me is, why did she help them? What did they promise her in return for implementing a communitarian system in Wasilla?

I will admit, at first it was kind of funny to read the way outsiders view Palin and Alaskans. But now that I've read some Obama/Democrat articles and the hundreds of reader comments, the truth is most people I've met in the lower 48 states have an unrealistic impression of what it's like to live up here.

During the 80s I attended two outside colleges, CSUC and UMASS, Amherst, and it was always entertaining when one of my fellow students told me Alaska was somewhere off the coast of California, by Hawaii. One thing that suprised me was how often I was asked at UMass what my faith was. My experience in Alaska was that nobody ever asked what your religion was unless they were being friendly and inviting you to church. But in Massachusetts, almost every student I met wanted to know. And now, 24 years later, I'm back in Alaska and everybody makes sure they drop the "we were at church" line at least once when you run into them, and I hear people bragging about attending church activities like they're sporting events. As for all the sinners living in my neighborhood, I've never once been invited to their churches. The most "Christian" man I've met out here is a Pagan priest. And, they've killed our social existence, where on holidays there used to be parties with food and bands and games, now there's no gathering or celebration, just a healthy sponsored "walk" or "run" or "bike" race.

People have told me all kinds of silly things over the years; one guy in Seattle insisted you cannot drive to Alaska because there is no road. It was Thanksgiving and I had invited a few of our cleaning crew over for dinner. This stranger/guest went off on me for saying I had driven the Alaska highway several times. After he was done calling me a liar because that was "impossible," everyone there expected me to prove how ignorant he was. But I just said something like, "oh, okay, you must be right and I must be mistaken." After he left my sister asked me why I let him win the argument when he was SO wrong. My reply was that Alaska is much better off if guys like him never know there's a road. I think somebody gave him a map.

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