Tuesday, August 31, 2010

LA21: the Smoking Cannon

Gertee Traveler & Shadow Dancer

Woke up to 32 degrees at 7am, got the fires going and started thinking about all the attention the ACL is getting from people who oppose LA21 and communitarian global governance. I don't know that this article is exactly what I wanted to write about it, seems like I had a lot more personal things to say about how happy I am to witness such an awakening in my country. But I am inspired by the efforts of so many more people who have chosen to take a stand against this theft of freedom. The people I'm meeting are not left or right, Democrat or Tea Party, they don't share one faith. Like traditional Americans, they have one primary thing in common, and that is the desire to maintain and enforce legitimate U.S. law.

Please help me fill in the list of contacts at the end, I know there are more good links out there.

Special thanks to our new friend Joanne for all the candles, wax, groceries, dishes!!!???!!!, healing and love, and to our best friend Jim P. whose generosity has sustained us more than once. Our warmest congratulations to Jason and his wife's first baby! Life has been surprisingly good lately, and if we get the wireless this week I'll be able to respond to all the comments from cheese and sean and the other few of you who give me a reason to keep allowing comments. :)

LA21: the Smoking Cannon

by Niki Raapana
August 31, 2010

Many more "normal" people are talking and writing about the global government these days. So many more people are actually exposing the global government's matrix that our ACL research has been elevated from "conspiracy theory" to necessary and vital information. The Big Plan for global Utopia is finally coming out into the open, because People are asking the right questions.

I'm not talking about the movie, "The Matrix," although it was based in the Hegelian dialectic and matrix101 links directly to our antithesis. I'm not referring to a secret plan handed out at the Bilderberg or Club of Rome, although evidence shows elite groups participated in the creation of the NWO. I'm not talking about Bible prophecy, and I'm not talking about Luciferian Enlightenment or the secret British-Masonic-Zionist plan to make a better world either, although some communitarian teachers do admit they worship at the alter of Satan.

I am talking about the published plan to build a One World Bureaucracy. It's the blueprint for Sustainable Development handed out at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. It does exist and it's completely verifiable, as more and more people will now admit. They have to.

United Nations Local Agenda 21 Programme for Sustainable Development is the "smoking gun" for the New World Order. Adopted by all member nations in 1992, this is the model for redesigning a communitarian world. If you're like a lot of people who sense something is very wrong, if you're looking for concrete, irrefutable evidence for the New World Order in your neighborhood, nothing comes close to asking your local officials about Local Agenda 21 (LA21).

Don't just use the Internet to find your plan, although many of our LA21 plans and their affiliate agencies are available online. Exercise your authentic power. Call or stop by your local City Hall. Meet face-to-face with your elected public officials. Ask to review all local planning actions that come under UN guidelines for Sustainable Development (SD). Ask to review any local agreements with ICCLEI.

The existence of a master plan for global government can almost be verified in one call to our City or County Clerk. Asking whether there has been anything locally adopted or resolved that promotes Sustainable Development is not a hard question anymore. Even people outside government groups have heard this new term by now. Most people think it's a good thing because they believe it arose naturally. It has a huge following. Hell, everything is going "sustainable" now. From agriculture to industry to lifestyles to education, the whole world is promoting sustainability.

So, if every body's doing it, it must be a good thing, right? What's the big deal?

Well, first of all, if sustainability really just meant a benign way of healing the planet from corporate poisoning, it would not include so many laws that govern common people's lives. There is nothing benign about Sustainable Development to the common man. SD is a set of global community laws that supplant individual liberty, formally maintained within national, state and local property and privacy laws.

Second of all, communitarian laws always "balance" the rights of the individual against the community; therefore SD only protects the global community government from the common man. Every nation in the world is experiencing a "wrenching transformation" of national laws into compliance with international SD law. LA21 could also be called "No Nation Left Behind."

American homeowners are almost totally clueless as to why so much of the Stimulus Package is directed into upgrades that allow the government to monitor and control them inside their homes. What kind of system puts monitors on garbage trucks so that the trucks can scan our garbage cans in order to spot the cans that have recyclable items in the wrong cans? What kind of a system establishes neighborhood groups who monitor their neighbors for SD compliance and report infractions of new community biased regulations? What kind of a system puts RFID trackers in garments and Retinal Scans in Driver's Licenses? What kind of a system builds a huge database of every one's most private and personal information?

Think you know what your nation stands for? Still believe that SD is a local solution written by locals for a local purpose? Prove it. Go ahead. Stop reading this. Pick up a phone right now and call your City Clerk. Ask to review and copy anything having to do with U.N. Local Agenda 21 or Sustainable Development.

Because there are so many local programs implementing global SD, you will probably be told your request is "too broad." So, okay, narrow your focus. This means get specific.

Ask your public servant (who works for you) which city and county agencies have already adopted Sustainable Development. After the usual "Why do you need this information?" which you do not have to answer with anything but a smile, the honest answer will likely be, "all of them." If there's any lingering doubt about how prevalent SD is in your home, read and copy every local agency's Mission Statement.

How do you tie Sustainable Development to the United Nations if your local government claims their Sustainable Development has no connection to U.N. Local Agenda 21? Ask them to give you a clear and legal definition for Sustainable Development. They have no choice but to waffle or cite the 1987 United Nations Bruntland Commission's "official" definition for Sustainable Development.

You'll see the terms for engagement very quickly. Once you've started, be prepared for the worst a TV trained government agent can throw at you. If you have property or own a local business, you are definitely taking risks. The risk is worth it though, since the ultimate price we'll all pay is what happens to private property and privacy under the plan; it's completely abolished.

And, since all U.S. constitutional law is based in private property rights, any plan to abolish private property is treason here, pure and simple. They know this too.

How much can you find out about how far down the LA21 road your neighborhood has gone? This could be a real adventure if you took it on. Nothing incites the senses like following the path of your enemies into your own home. This is a global war. The real fight is over our land, our people and all our resources. It's being fought every day on all our home fronts, from London to Kenny Lake, Alaska.

There are several other key terms to look for: livability, quality of life, common good, vision for the future, community values, to name just a few. When Americans find unfamiliar (new) terms used in any U.S. government document, because of our Federal (F.O.I.A.) and State Public Disclosure laws, we can request a clear, legal definition of the word or phrase. We can read and copy every government agent's documents related to the use of the term too, from hand scribbled notes to polished propaganda. This is what real transparency in government means. Many other Western nations have similar laws.

If the idea of a war is too hard to accept, think of it as a fishing expedition. Stay quiet and calm so you don't scare the fish away. Gently remove the hook and throw back all the small fish you catch, or use them as bait. Bide your time, wait for the granddaddy of all fish to smell the blood. This breed of fish devours its own, like a shark, so when you have the Big One on the hook, you've hooked them all on one line.

Who wants to show Americans and the rest of the world the extent of our new global laws, global-to-local development plans, and all our local partnerships with global associations (and funding). They may be openly revising their national constitutions in South America and the EU under supremacy of communitarian law, but in most Western free and open "democracies," LA21 plans are anything but open.

For those who need to know more, Sustainable Development is based in communitarianism. This philosophy drives every aspect of the emerging supra-national system. If you understand the theory, you'll understand the new tactics. Once you've verified for yourself that LA21 plans exist for your home, do a little Internet search for the term "communitarianism." The results will amaze you.


Niki Raapana is the author of "2020: Our Common Destiny," a short and concise introduction to the emerging global injustice system, available only through ACL Books. http://nord.twu.net/acl/books.html

For further information and starting/joining an Agenda 21 Awareness group in your area:

Anti Communitarian League, Educational Website & Books, global perspective, primarily research
Freedom Advocates, CA, U.S. emphasis, legal actions, educational pamplets, videos, DVDs, speaking engagements, radio show
Democrats Against Agenda 21, CA, U.S. emphasis, legal actions
Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, community model
Spokane Patriots, WA,
Agenda 21 is Evil
Citizens Against ICCLI, model legislation
In Canada, Paul Barnes and Kathleen Moore, Habeus Corpus Canada
In the UK, Stop Common Purpose

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21

Got a friend or family member who thinks UN LA21 is a right wing wacko conspiracy theory? Send them here: http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/

Looking for ways to get involved in your own local community's economic redevelopment? Wonder if it's worth the effort to go to meetings and speak out?

Do it. The local level is the place where we have the most legal power to fight for our individual liberty and our private land. Never forget this is a land war or that he who controls the land controls everything on it. This is theft of freedom by stealth, and why communitarians spend so much time and effort training sly facilitators and teachers (Common Purpose, Communitarian Network, Sustainable Seattle, 1000 Friends of Lucifer, WISE, etc) who take over our local neighborhoods and lead us into violating our own laws and principles.

While they are first adopted by the UN and then praised at the national and state levels, communitarian land management plans are almost always adopted by local councils and then implemented at the lowest local levels. http://www.santarosaneighborhoodcoalition.com/

Ever wonder about green retrofitting and how it affects everyone, whether they're on the left or the right or could care less? http://www.santarosaneighborhoodcoalition.com/green-building.html

And Coming Soon: Post Sustainability Institute, a 501 c4 non-profit organization that will be educating the public on the effects of communitarianism on their liberty.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sustainable Development Masks UN Agenda, by Kevin Eggers, Napa Valley Register

Kevin Eggers' response to the local communitarian supporter of LA21 came out in the paper today, I followed the link from my Statcounter because somebody from GWU took that link to my website. Hmmm. Wonder if our GWU reader is one of the commenters. Kevin wrote a very understandable rebuttal, but most of the the responses are typical communitarian preschool logic. One commenter is so confused he thinks communitarian law will fix the problems with NAFTA! And they just can't resist petty name calling, it must be taught at the highest academic levels these days. Of course I'm not an "expert" on this topic... I'm "crazy". I made up the theory and I made it "vague" so I can use it to oppose any government action I don't like.

It's almost unbelievable that there are still people who claim communitarianism doesn't exist! Are people really that ignorant or are these comments coming from Etzioni's trolls?


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Several of my neighbors told me this mosque thing was happening and asked what I thought about it. It has always seemed to me that one of the major dialectical dramas being staged for our dying pleasure is the Christian versus Muslim conflicts. So anything that feeds this dialectic is suspicious to me, right off the bat. Since I know next to nothing about what Obama "said" or what the controversy is, I wasn't going to post anything about it. But today I opened one of Old Dog's emails because I haven't been keeping up with what he (and most everyone I know) is sending lately, and this article he sent caught my eye. Thanks Jim!

Kind of amazing to me that this is what is being printed in Veterans Today magazine, and I think my dad would have been shocked as hell to see it there. Jimmy, Sue, Kathy... any thoughts on this? Is it just me or is this a sign that we're moving beyond the automatic knee jerk "conspiracy theory" labeling? Are Americans finally ready to have an open public debate over the most important events and issues of our time? Duff does throw the term out in the same way the communitarians do, as in lines like, "Forgetting all the conspiracy theories, we can stick to the facts." But maybe he's referring to actors and controlled "opposition."

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

"The tea partiers are half right" CNN- by Amitai Etzioni

Someone from George Washington University looked up "Amitai Etzioni" and ended up at our page about him at the ACL. I took a peek at the google results for his name and found this.

The tea partiers are half right,

By Amitai Etzioni, Special to CNN,
August 2, 2010 --

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chapter 22 of "200 Years Together" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

From Peter Myers:
Ch. 22 of Solzhenitsyn's last book 200 Years Together

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's last book 200 Years Together is being translated into English:

Here is ch. 22, which covers the period 1945-53.

Apart from the causes known to Solzhenitsyn, one factor in Stalin's turn against Jews during those years was the 1946 Baruch Plan for World Government. It was drafted by Bernard Baruch and David Lilienthal, both Jews, and proposed to Stalin by the American Government through the pages of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: http://mailstar.net/baruch-plan.html

Yuri Slezkine charts Stalin's awakening to the extent to which Soviet institutions were headed by Jews.

{p. 304} And who (stage whisper) was building the Soviet atomic bomb? And how were they connected to their kinsmen building the American atomic bomb? And what about the spies who were, in their own way, trying to connect the two atomic bombs?

{p. 313} The great alliance between the Jewish Revolution and Communism was coming to an end as a result of the new crusade against Jewish Communists. What Hitler could not accomplish, Stalin did, and as Stalin did, so did his representatives in other places.

{p. 315} The postwar Soviet officials probably realized that the attack on Jewish "cosmopolitanism" was, in some sense, an attack on Communist internationalism, yet they had no choice but to make the subject taboo because the newly ethnicized Soviet state continued to derive its legitimacy from the Great October Socialist Revolution.

{end quotes} more at http://mailstar.net/slezkine.html

200 Years Together

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Chapter 22 — From the End of the War to Stalin's Death


At the beginning of the 1920s the authors of a collection of articles titled Russia and the Jews foresaw that "all these bright perspectives" (for the Jews in the USSR) looked so bright only "if one supposes that the Bolsheviks would want to protect us. But would they? Can we assume that the people who in their struggle for power betrayed everything, from the Motherland to Communism, would remain faithful to us even when it stops benefiting them?"(1)

However, during so favorable a time to them as the 1920s and 30s the great majority of Soviet Jews chose to ignore this sober warning or simply did not hear it.

Yet the Jews with their contribution to the Russian Revolution should have expected that one day the inevitable recoil of revolution would hit even them, at least during its ebb.

The postwar period became "the years of deep disappointments" (2) and adversity for Soviet Jews. During Stalin's last eight years, Soviet Jewry was tested by persecutions of the "cosmopolitans," the loss of positions in science, arts and press, the crushing of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (EAK) with the execution of its leadership and, finally, by the "Doctors' Plot."

By the nature of a totalitarian regime, only Stalin himself could initiate the campaign aimed at weakening the Jewish presence and influence in the Soviet system. Only he could make the first move.

Yet because of the rigidity of Soviet propaganda and Stalin's craftiness, not a single sound could be uttered nor a single step made in the open. We have seen already that Soviet propaganda did not raise any alarm about the annihilation of Jews in Germany during the war; indeed it covered up those things, obviously being afraid of appearing pro-Jewish in public mind.

The disposition of the Soviet authorities towards Jews could evolve for years without ever really resurfacing at the level of official propaganda. The first changes and shuffles in the bureaucracy began quite inconspicuously at the time of growing rapprochement between Stalin and Hitler in 1939. By then Litvinov, a Jewish Minister of Foreign Affairs, was replaced by Molotov (an ethnic Russian) and a 'cleansing' of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NKID) was underway. Simultaneously, Jews were barred from entrance into diplomatic schools and military academies. Still, it took many more years before the disappearance of Jews from the NKID and the sharp decline of their influence in the Ministry of Foreign Trade became apparent.

Because of the intrinsic secrecy of all Soviet inner party moves, only very few were aware of the presence of subtle anti-Jewish undercurrents in the Agitprop apparatus by the end of 1942 that aimed to push out Jews from the major art centers such as the Bolshoi Theatre, the Moscow Conservatory, and the Moscow Philarmonic, where, according to the note which Alexandrov, Head of Agitprop, presented to the Central Committee in the summer of 1942, 'everything was almost completely in the hands of non-Russians' and 'Russians had become an ethnic minority' (accompanied by a detailed table to illustrating this) (3). Later, there had been attempts to "begin national regulation of cadres… from the top down, which essentially meant primarily pushing out Jews from the managerial positions" (4). By and large, Stalin regulated this process by either supporting or checking such efforts depending on the circumstances.

The wartime tension in the attitudes toward Jews was also manifested during post-war re-evacuation. In Siberia and Central Asia, wartime Jewish refugees were not welcomed by the local populace, so after the war they mostly settled in the capitals of Central Asian republics, except for those who moved back, not to their old shtetls and towns, but into the larger cities (5).

The largest returning stream of refugees fled to Ukraine where they were met with hostility by the local population, especially because of the return of Soviet officials and the owners of desirable residential property. This reaction in the formerly occupied territories was also fueled by Hitler's heated propaganda during the Nazi occupation. Khrushchev, the Head of Ukraine from 1943 (when he was First Secretary of the Communist Party and at the same time Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine), not only said nothing on this topic in his public speeches, treating the fate of Jews during the occupation with silence, but he also upheld the secret instruction across the Ukraine not to employ Jews in positions of authority.

According to a tale of an old Jewish Communist Ruzha-Godes, who survived the entire Nazi occupation under a guise of being a Pole named Khelminskaya and was later denied employment by the long-awaited Communists because of her Jewishness, Khrushchev stated clearly and with his peculiar frankness: "In the past, the Jews committed many sins against the Ukrainian people. People hate them for that. We don't need Jews in our Ukraine. It would be better if they didn't return here. They would better go to Birobidzhan. This is Ukraine. And, we don't want Ukrainian people to infer that the return of Soviet authorities means the return of Jews" (6).

"In the early September 1945 a Jewish major of the NKVD was brutally beaten in Kiev by two members of military. He shot both of them dead. This incident caused a large-scale massacre of Jews with five fatalities" (7). There are documented sources of other similar cases (8).

Sotsialistichesky Vestnik wrote that the Jewish "national feelings (which were exacerbated during the war) overreacted to the numerous manifestations of anti-Semitism and to the even more common indifference to anti-Semitism" (9).

This motif is so typical — almost no less than anti-Semitism itself: the indifference to anti-Semitism was likely to cause outrage. Yes, tormented by their miseries, people and nations often lose compassion for the troubles of others. And the Jews are not an exception here. A modern author justly notes: "I hope that I, as a Jew who found her roots and place in Israel, would not be suspected of bias if I point out that in the years of our terrible disasters, the Jewish intellectuals did not raise their voices in defense of the deported nations of Crimea and the Caucasus" (10).

After the liberation of Crimea by the Red Army in 1943, "talks started among circles of the Jewish elite in Moscow about a rebirth of the Crimean project of 1920's," i.e., about resettling Jews in Crimea. The Soviet government did not discourage these aspirations, hoping that "American Jews would be more generous in their donations for the Red Army." It is quite possible that Mikhoels and Feffer [heads of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, EAK], based on a verbal agreement with Molotov, negotiated with American Zionists about financial support of the project for Jewish relocation to Crimea during their triumphant tour over the USA in summer of 1943. The idea of a Crimean Jewish Republic was also backed by Lozovsky, the then powerful Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs (11).

The EAK had yet another project for a Jewish Republic — to establish it in the place of the former Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (where, as we have seen in previous chapters, Jewish settlements were established in the wake of the exile of Germans). Ester Markish, widow of EAK member Perets Markish, confirms that he presented a letter "concerning transferring the former German Republic to the Jews" (12).

In the Politburo, "Molotov, Kaganovich and Voroshilov were the most positively disposed to the EAK" (13). And, "according to rumors, some members of the Politburo…. were inclined to support this [Crimean] idea" (14). On February 15, 1944, Stalin was forwarded a memorandum about that plan which was signed by Mikhoels, Feffer and Epshtein. (According to P. Sudoplatov, although the decision to expel the Tatars from Crimea had been made by Stalin earlier, the order to carry it out reached Beria on February 14 (15), so the memorandum was quite timely.)

That was the high point of Jewish hopes. G. V. Kostirenko, a researcher of this period, writes: the leaders of the EAK "plunged into euphoria. They imagined (especially after Mikhoels' and Feffer's trip to the West) that with necessary pressure, they could influence and steer policy making by their government in the interests of the Soviet Jews, just like the American Jewish elite does it" (16).

But Stalin did not approve the Crimean project — it did not appeal to him because of the strategic importance of Crimea. The Soviet leaders expected a war with America and probably thought that in such case the entire Jewish population of Crimea would sympathize with the enemy. (It is reported that at the beginning of the 1950s some Jews were arrested and told by their MGB [Ministry for State Security, a predecessor of KGB] investigators: "You are not going to stand against America, are you? So you are our enemies.") Khrushchev shared those doubts and 10 years later he stated to a delegation of the Canadian Communist party that was expressing particular interest in the Jewish question in the USSR: Crimea "should not be a center of Jewish colonization, because in case of war it will become the enemy's bridgehead" (17). Indeed, the petitions about Jewish settlement in Crimea were very soon used as a proof of the "state treason" on the part of the members of the EAK.

By the end of WWII the authorities again revived the idea of Jewish resettlement in Birobidzhan, particularly Ukrainian Jews. From 1946 to 1947 several organized echelons and a number of independent families were sent there, totaling up to 5-6 thousand persons (18). However, quite a few returned disillusioned. This relocation movement withered by 1948. Later, with a general turn of Stalin's politics, arrests among the few Birobidjan Jewish activists started. (They were accused of artificial inculcation of Jewish culture into the non-Jewish population and, of course, espionage and of having planned Birobidzhan's secession in order to ally with Japan). This was the de facto end of the history of Jewish colonization in Birobidzhan. At the end of the 1920s there were plans to re-settle 60,000 Jews there by the end of the first 5-year planning period. By 1959 there were only 14,000 Jews in Birobidzhan, less than 9% of the population of the region (19).

However, in Ukraine the situation had markedly changed in favor of Jews. The government was engaged in the fierce struggle with Bandera's separatist fighters and no longer catered to the national feelings of Ukrainians. At the end of 1946, the Communist Party "started a covert campaign against anti-Semitism, gradually conditioning the population to the presence of Jews among authorities in different spheres of the national economy." At the same time, in the beginning of 1947, Kaganovich took over for Khrushchev as the official leader of Ukrainian Communist Party. The Jews were promoted in the party as well, "of which a particular example was the appointment of a Jew … the Secretary… of Zhitomir Obkom" (20).

However, the attitudes of many Jews towards this government and its new policies were justifiably cautious. Soon after the end of the war, when the former Polish citizens began returning to Poland, many non-Polish Jews "hastily seized this opportunity" and relocated there (21). (What happened after that in Poland is yet another story: a great overrepresentation of Jews occurred in the post-war puppet Polish government, among managerial elites and in the Polish KGB, which would again result in miserable consequences for the Jews of Poland. After the war, other countries of Eastern Europe saw similar conflicts: "the Jews had played a huge role in economic life of all these countries," and though they lost their possessions under Hitler, after the war, when "the restitution laws were introduced… (they) affected very large numbers of new owners." Upon their return Jews demanded the restoration of their property and enterprises that were not nationalized by Communists and this created a new wave of hostility towards them (22).)

Meanwhile, during these very years the biggest event in world Jewish history was happening — the state of Israel was coming into existence. In 1946-47, when the Zionists were at odds with Britain, Stalin, perhaps out of anti-British calculation and or opportunistically hoping to get a foothold in the Middle East, took the side of the former. During all of 1947 Stalin, acting through Gromyko in the UN, actively supported the idea of a creation of independent Jewish state in Palestine and supplied the Zionists with a critical supply of Czechoslovak-made weapons. In May 1948, only two days after the Israeli declaration of nationhood, the USSR officially recognized that country and condemned hostile actions of Arabs.

However, Stalin miscalculated to what extent this support would reinvigorate the national spirit of Soviet Jews. Some of them implored the EAK to organize a fundraiser for the Israeli military, others wished to enlist as volunteers, while still others wanted to form a special Jewish military division (23).

Amid this burgeoning enthusiasm, Golda Meir arrived to Moscow in September of 1948 as the first ambassador of Israel and was met with unprecedented joy in Moscow's synagogues and by Moscow's Jewish population in general. Immediately, as the national spirit of Soviet Jews rose and grew tremendously because of the Catastrophe, many of them began applying for relocation to Israel. Apparently, Stalin had expected that. Yet it turned out that many of his citizens wished to run away en masse into, by all accounts, the pro-Western State of Israel. There, the influence and prestige of the United States grew, while the USSR was at the same time losing support of Arab countries. (Nevertheless, "the cooling of relations [with Israel] was mutual. Israel more and more often turned towards American Jewry which became its main support" (24).)

Probably because he was frightened by such a schism in the Jewish national feelings, Stalin drastically changed policies regarding Jews from the end of 1948 and for the rest of his remaining years. He began acting in his typical style — quietly but with determination, he struck to the core, but with only tiny movements visible on the surface.

Nevertheless, while the visible tiny ripples hardly mattered, Jewish leaders had many reasons to be concerned, as they felt the fear hanging in the air. The then editor of the Polish-Jewish newspaper Folkshtimme, Girsh Smolyar, recalled the "panic that seized Soviet communist Jews after the war." Emmanuel Kazakevitch and other Jewish writers were distressed. Smolyar had seen on Ehrenburg's table "a mountain of letters — literally — groaning with anti-Jewish attitudes throughout the country" (25).

Yet Ehrenburg knew his job very well and carried it out. (As it became known much later, it was exactly then that the pre-publication copy of the Black Book compiled by I. Ehrenburg and B. Grossman, which described the mass killings and suffering of the Soviet Jews during the Soviet-German war — was destroyed.) In addition, in September 21, 1948, as a counterbalance to Golda Meir's triumphal arrival, Pravda published a large article commissioned by Ehrenburg which stated that the Jews are not a nation at all and that they are doomed to assimilate (26). This article created dismay not only among the Soviet Jews, but also in America. With the start of the Cold War, "the discrimination against the Jews in the Soviet Union "became one of the main anti-Soviet trump cards of the West. (As was the sympathy in the West towards various ethnic separatist movements in the USSR, a topic that had never previously gained support among Soviet Jews).

However, the EAK, which had been created to address the war-time issues, continued gaining influence. By that time it listed approximately 70 members, had its own administrative apparatus, a newspaper and a publishing house. It functioned as a kind of spiritual and physical agent of all Soviet Jews before the CK (Central Committee) of the VKPb (all-Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks), as well as before the West. "EAK executives were allowed to do and to have a lot — a decent salary, an opportunity to publish and collect royalties abroad, to receive and to redistribute gifts from abroad and, finally, to travel abroad." EAK became a crystallization center of an initially elitist and upper-echelon and then of a broadly growing Jewish national movement" (27), a looming symbol of Jewish national autonomy. For Stalin, the EAK become a problem which should be gotten rid of.

He started with the most important figure, Head of the Soviet Information Bureau (Sovinformburo), Lozovsky, who, according to Feffer (who was vice-chairman of EAK since July 1945), was "a spiritual leader of the EAK… knew all about its activities and was its head for all practical purposes." In the summer of 1946, a special auditing commission from Agitprop of the CK [of the VKPb] inspected Sovinformburo and found that "the apparatus is polluted … [there is] an intolerable concentration of Jews." Lozovsky was ejected from his post of Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs (just as Litvinov and Maisky had been) and in summer of 1947 he also lost his post as of Head of the Sovinformburo (28).

After that, the fate of the EAK was sealed. In September of 1946, the auditing commission from the Central Committee concluded that the EAK, instead of "leading a rigorous offensive ideological war against the Western and first of all Zionist propaganda… supports the position of bourgeois Zionists and the Bund and in reality… it fights for the reactionary idea of the United Jewish nation." In 1947, the Central Committee stated, that "the work among the Jewish population of the Soviet Union is not a responsibility" of the EAK. "The EAK's job was to focus on the "decisive struggle against aggression by international reactionaries and their Zionist agents" (29).

However, these events coincided with the pro-Israel stance of the USSR and the EAK was not dissolved. On the other hand, EAK Chairman Mikhoels who was "the informal leader of Soviet Jewry, had to shed his illusions about the possibility of influencing the Kremlin's national policy via influencing the Dictator's relatives." Here, the suspicion fell mostly on Stalin's son—in-law Grigory Morozov. However, the most active help to the EAK was provided by Molotov's wife, P.S. Zhemchyzhina, who was arrested in the beginning of 1949, and Voroshilov's wife, "Ekaterina Davidovna (Golda Gorbman), a fanatic Bolshevik, who had been expelled from the synagogue in her youth." Abakumov reported that Mikhoels was suspected of "gathering private information about the Leader" (30). Overall, according to the MGB he "demonstrated excessive interest in the private life of the Head of the Soviet Government," while leaders of the EAK "gathered materials about the personal life of J. Stalin and his family at the behest of US Intelligence" (31). However, Stalin could not risk an open trial of the tremendously influential Mikhoels, so he was murdered in January 1948 under the guise of accident. Soviet Jewry was shocked and terrified by the demise of their spiritual leader.

The EAK was gradually dismantled after that. By the end of 1948 its premises were sealed, all documents were taken to Lubyanka, and its newspaper and the publishing house were closed. Feffer and Zuskin, the key EAK figures, were arrested in full secrecy soon afterwards, although these arrests were denied for a long time. In January 1949 Lozovsky was arrested, followed by the arrests of a number of other notable members of the EAK in February. They were intensively interrogated during 1949, but in 1950 the investigation stagnated. (All this coincided [in accord with Stalin's understanding of balance] with the annihilation of the Russian nationalist tendencies in the leadership of the Leningrad government — the so-called "anti-party group of Kuznetsov-Rodionov-Popkov," but those developments, their repression and the significance of those events were largely overlooked by historians even though "about two thousand party functionaries were arrested and consequently executed" (32) in 1950 in connection with the "Leningrad Affair").

In January 1948, Stalin ordered Jews to be pushed out of Soviet culture. In his usual subtle and devious manner, the "order" came through a prominent editorial in Pravda, seemingly dealing with a petty issue, "about one anti-Party group of theatrical critics" (33). (A more assertive article in Kultura i Zhizn followed on the next day (34)). The key point was the "decoding" of Russian the Russian pen-names of Jewish celebrities. In the USSR, "many Jews camouflage their Jewish origins with such art," so that "it is impossible to figure out their real names" explains the editor of a modern Jewish journal (35).

This article in Pravda had a long but obscure pre-history. In 1946 reports of the Central Committee it was already noted "that out of twenty eight highly publicized theatrical critics, only six are Russians. It implied that the majority of the rest were Jews." Smelling trouble, but still "supposing themselves to be vested with the highest trust of the Party, some theatrical critics, confident in their victory, openly confronted Fadeev" in November, 1946 (36). Fadeev was the all-powerful Head of the Union of Soviet Writers and Stalin's favorite. And so they suffered a defeat. Then the case stalled for a long time and only resurfaced in 1949.

The campaign rolled on through the newspapers and party meetings. G. Aronson, researching Jewish life "in Stalin's era" writes: 'The goal of this campaign was to displace Jewish intellectuals from all niches of Soviet life. Informers were gloatingly revealing their pen-names. It turned out that E. Kholodov is actually Meyerovich, Jakovlev is Kholtsman, Melnikov is Millman, Jasny is Finkelstein, Vickorov is Zlochevsky, Svetov is Sheidman and so on. Literaturnaya Gazeta worked diligently on these disclosures" (37).

Undeniably, Stalin hit the most vulnerable spot, the one that highly annoyed the public. However, Stalin was not so simple as to just blurt out "the Jews." From the first push at the "groups of theatrical critics" flowed a wide and long campaign against the "cosmopolitans" (with their Soviet sticky dim-wittedness they stuck to this good word and spoiled it). "Without exception, all 'cosmopolitans' under attack were Jews. They were being discovered everywhere. Though all of them were loyal Soviet citizens never suspected of anything anti-Soviet, they survived the great purges by Yezhov and Yagoda. Some were very experienced and influential people, sometimes eminent in their fields of expertise" (38). The exposure of "cosmopolitans" then turned into a ridiculous, even idiotic glorification of Russian "primacy" in all and every area of science, technology and culture.

Yet the "cosmopolitans" usually were not being arrested but instead were publicly humiliated, fired from publishing houses, ideological and cultural organizations, from TASS, from Glavlit, from literature schools, theaters, orchestras; some were expelled from the party and publication of their works was often discouraged.

And the public campaign was expanding, spreading into new fields and compromising new names. Anti-Jewish cleansing of "cosmopolitans" was conducted in the research institutes of the Academy of Science: Institute of Philosophy (with its long history of internecine feud between different cliques), the institutes of Economy, Law, in the Academy of Social Sciences at the CK of the VKPb, in the School of Law (and then spread to the office of Public Prosecutor).

Thus, in the Department of History at MGU (Moscow State University), even a long-standing faithful communist and falsifier, I. I. Minz, member of the Academy, who enjoyed Stalin's personal trust and was awarded with Stalin Prizes and simultaneously chaired historical departments in several universities, was labeled "the head of cosmopolitans in Historical Science." After that numerous scientific posts at MGU were 'liberated' from his former students and other Jewish professors (39).

Purges of Jews from technical fields and the natural sciences were gradually gaining momentum. "The end of 1945 and entire 1946 were relatively peaceful for the Jews of this particular social group." L. Mininberg studied Jewish contributions in Soviet science and industry during the war: "In 1946, the first serious blow since the end of the war was dealt to the administration and a big 'case' was fabricated. Its principal victims were mainly Russians…there were no Jews among them," though "investigation reports contained testaments against Israel Solomonovitch Levin, director of the Saratov Aviation Plant. He was accused on the charge that during the Battle for Stalingrad, two aviation regiments were not able to take off because of manufacturing defects in the planes produced by the plant. The charge was real, not made-up by the investigators. However, Levin was neither fired nor arrested." In 1946, "B.L. Vannikov, L.M. Kaganovich, S.Z. Ginzburg, L.Z. Mekhlis all kept their Ministry posts in the newly formed government… Almost all Jewish former deputy ministers also retained their positions as assistants to ministers." The first victims among the Jewish technical elite appeared only in 1947 (40).

In 1950, academic A. F. Ioffe "was forced to retire from the post of Director of the Physical-Engineering Institute, which he organized and headed since its inception in 1918." In 1951, 34 directors and 31 principal engineers of aviation plants had been fired. "This list contained mostly Jews." If in 1942 there were nearly forty Jewish directors and principal engineers in the Ministry of General Machine-Building (Ministry of Mortar Armaments) then only three remained by 1953. In the Soviet Army, "the Soviet authorities persecuted not only Jewish generals, but lower ranking officers working on the development of military technology and weaponry were also removed" (41).

Thus, the "purging campaigns" spread over to the defense, airplane construction, and automobile industries (though they did not affect the nuclear branch), primarily removing Jews from administrative, directorial and principal engineering positions; later purging was expanded onto various bureaucracies. Yet the genuine, ethnic cause was never mentioned in the formal paperwork. Instead, the sacked officials faced charges of economic crimes or having relatives abroad at a time when conflict with the with USA was expected, or other excuses were used. The purging campaigns rolled over the central cities and across the provinces. The methods of these campaigns were notoriously Soviet, in the spirit of 1930's: a victim was immersed into a vicious atmosphere of terror and as a result often tried to deflect the threat to himself by accusing others.

By repeating the tide of 1937, albeit in a milder form, the display of Soviet Power reminded the Jews that they had never become truly integrated and could be pushed aside at any moment. "We do not have indispensable people!" (However, "Lavrentiy Beria was tolerant to Jews. At least, in appointments to government positions" (42).)

"'Pushing' Jews out of prestigious occupations that were crucial for the ruling elite in the spheres of manufacturing, administration, cultural and ideological activities, as well as limiting or completely barring the entrance of Jews into certain institutions of higher education gained enormous momentum in 1948-1953. … Positions of any importance in KGB, party apparatus, and military were closed to the Jews, and quotas were in place for admission into certain educational institutions and cultural and scientific establishments" (43). Through its "fifth item" [i.e., the question about nationality] Soviet Jews were oppressed by the very same method used in the Proletarian Questionnaire, other items of which were so instrumental in crushing the Russian nobility, clergy, intellectuals and all the rest of the "former people" since the 1920s.

"Although the highest echelon of Jewish political elite suffered from administrative perturbations; but surprisingly it was not as bad as it seemed," — concludes G. V. Kostyrchenko. "The main blow fell on the middle and the most numerous stratum of the Jewish elite — officials… and also journalists, professors and other members of creative intelligentsia. … It was these, so to say, nominal Jews — the individuals with nearly complete lack of ethnic ties — who suffered one of the main shocks during the cleansing of bureaucracies after the war" (44).

However, speaking of scientific cadres, the statistics are these: "at the end of the 1920's there were 13.6% Jews among scientific researchers in the country, in 1937 — 17.5%" (45), and by 1950 their proportion slightly decreased to 15.4% (25,125 Jews among 162,508 Soviet researchers) (46). S. Margolina, looking back from the end of the 1980s concludes that, despite the scale of the campaign, after the war, "the number of highly educated Jews at high positions always remained disproportionally high. But, in contrast with the former "times of happiness," it certainly had decreased" (47). A.M. Kheifetz recalls "a memoir article of a member of the Academy, Budker, one of the fathers of the Soviet A-bomb" where he described how they were building the first Soviet A-bomb — being exhausted from the lack of sleep and fainting from stress and overwork — and it is precisely those days of persecution of "cosmopolitans" that were "the most inspired and the happiest" in his life (48).

In 1949 "among Stalin Prize laureates no less than 13% were Jews, just like in the previous years." By 1952 there were only 6% (49). Data on the number of Jewish students in USSR were not published for nearly a quarter of century, from the pre-war years until 1963. We will examine those in the next chapter.

The genuine Jewish culture that had been slowly reviving after the war was curtailed and suppressed in 1948-1951. Jewish theatres were no longer subsidized and the few remaining ones were closed, along with book publishing houses, newspapers and bookstores (50). In 1949, the international radio broadcasting in Yiddish was also abolished (51).

In the military, "by 1953 almost all Jewish generals" and "approximately 300 colonels and lieutenant colonels were forced to resign from their positions" (52).


As the incarcerated Jewish leaders remained jailed in Lubyanka for over three years, Stalin slowly and with great caution proceeded in dismantling the EAK. He was very well aware what kind of international storm would be triggered by using force . (Luckily, though, he acquired his fist H-bomb in 1949.) On the other hand, he fully appreciated the significance of unbreakable ties between world Jewry and America, his enemy since his rejection of the Marshall Plan.

Investigation of EAK activities was reopened in January 1952. The accused were charged with connections to the "Jewish nationalist organizations in America," with providing "information regarding the economy of the USSR" to those organizations… and also with "plans of repopulating Crimea and creating a Jewish Republic there" (53). Thirteen defendants were found guilty and sentenced to death: S. A. Lozovsky, I. S. Ysefovich, B. A. Shimeliovich, V. L. Zuskin, leading Jewish writers D.R. Bergelson, P. D. Marshik, L. M. Kvitko, I. S. Feffer, D. N. Gofshtein, and also L. Y. Talmi, I. S. Vatenberg, C. S. Vatenberg — Ostrovsky, and E. I. Teumin (54). They were secretly executed in August. (Ehrenburg, who was also a member of the EAK, was not even arrested. (He assumed it was pure luck.) Similarly, the crafty David Zaslavsky survived also. And even after the execution of the Jewish writers, Ehrenburg continued to reassure the West that those writers were still alive and writing (55). The annihilation of the Jewish Antifascist Committee went along with similar secret "daughter" cases; 110 people were arrested, 10 of them were executed and 5 died during the investigation (56).

In autumn of 1952 Stalin went into the open as arrests among Jews began, such as arrests of Jewish professors of medicine and among members of literary circles in Kiev in October 1952. This information immediately spread among Soviet Jews and throughout the entire world. On October 17th, Voice of America broadcast about "mass repressions" among Soviet Jews (57). Soviet "Jews were frozen by mortal fear" (58).

Soon afterwards in November in Prague, a show trial of Slansky, the Jewish First Secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, and several other top state and party leaders took place in a typically loud and populist Stalinist-type entourage. The trial was openly anti-Jewish with naming "world leading" Jews such as Ben Gurion and Morgenthau, and putting them into the same harness with American leaders Truman and Acheson. The outcome was that eleven were hanged, eight Jews among them. Summing up the official version, K. Gotwald said: "This investigation and court trial … disclosed a new channel through which treason and espionage permeated the Communist Party. This is Zionism" (59).

At the same time, since summer of 1951, the unraveling of "Doctors' Plot" was gaining momentum. The case included the accusation of prominent physicians, doctors to the Soviet leadership, for the criminal treatment of state leaders. For the secret services such an accusation was nothing new, as similar accusations were made against Professor D. D. Pletnev and physicians L. G. Levin and I. N. Kazakov already during the "Bukharin trial" in 1937. At that time, the gullible Soviet public gasped at such utterly evil plots. No one had any qualms to repeat the same old scenario.

Now we know much more about the "Doctors' Plot." Initially it was not entirely an anti-Jewish action; the prosecution list contained names of several prominent Russian physicians as well. In essence, the affair was fueled by Stalin's generally psychotic state of mind, with his fear of plots and mistrust of the doctors, especially as his health deteriorated. By September 1952 prominent doctors were arrested in groups. Investigations unfolded with cruel beatings of suspects and wild accusations; slowly it turned into a version of "spying-terroristic plot connected with foreign intelligence organizations," "American hirelings," "saboteurs in white coats," "bourgeois nationalism" — all indicating that it was primary aimed at Jews . (Robert Conquest in The Great Terror follows this particular tragic line of involvement of highly placed doctors. In 1935, the false death certificate of Kuibyshev was signed by doctors G. Kaminsky, I. Khodorovsky, and L. Levin. In 1937 they signed a similarly false death certificate of Ordzhonikidze. They knew so many deadly secrets — could they expect anything but their own death? Conquest writes that Dr. Levin cooperated with the Cheka since 1920. "Working with Dzerzhinsky, Menzhinsky, and Yagoda. … [he] was trusted by the head of such an organization. … It is factually correct to consider Levin… a member of Yagoda's circle in the NKVD." Further, we read something sententious: "Among those outstanding doctors who [in 1937] moved against [Professor of Medicine] Pletnev and who had signed fierce accusative resolutions against him, we find the names of M. Vovsi, B. Kogan and V. Zelenin, who in their turn… were subjected to torture in MGB in 1952-53 in connection with "the case of doctors-saboteurs," "as well as two other doctors, N. Shereshevky and V. Vinogradov who provided a pre-specified death certificate of Menzhinsky" (60).)

On January 3, 1953 Pravda and Izvestiya published an announcement by TASS about the arrest of a "group of doctors-saboteurs." The accusation sounded like a grave threat for Soviet Jewry, and, at the same time, by a sneering Soviet custom, prominent Soviet Jews were forced to sign a letter to Pravda with the most severe condemnation of the wiles of the Jewish "bourgeois nationalists" and their approval of Stalin's government. Several dozen signed the letter. (Among them were Mikhail Romm, D. Oistrakh, S. Marshak, L. Landau, B. Grossman, E. Gilels, I. Dunayevsky and others. Initially Ehrenburg did not sign it — he found the courage to write a letter to Stalin: "to ask your advice." His resourcefulness was unsurpassed indeed. To Ehrenburg, it was clear that "there is no such thing as the Jewish nation" and that assimilation is the only way and that Jewish nationalism "inevitably leads to betrayal." Yet that the letter that was offered to him to sign could be dangerously interpreted by the "enemies of our country." He concluded that "I myself cannot resolve these questions," but if "leading comrades will let me know ... [that my signature] is desired ... [and] useful for protecting our homeland and for the peace in the world, I will sign it immediately" (61).)

The draft of that statement of loyalty was painstakingly prepared in the administration of the Central Committee and eventually its style became softer and more respectable. However, this letter never appeared in the press. Possibly because of the international outrage, the "Doctors' Plot" apparently began to slow down in the last days of Stalin (62).

After the public announcement, the "'Doctors' Plot' created a huge wave of repression of Jewish physicians all over the country. In many cities and towns, the offices of State Security began fabricating criminal cases against Jewish doctors. They were afraid to even go to work, and their patients were afraid to be treated by them" (63).

After the "cosmopolitan" campaign, the menacing growl of "people's anger" because of the "Doctors' Plot" utterly terrified many Soviet Jews, and a rumor arose (and then got rooted in the popular mind) that Stalin was planning a mass eviction of Jews to the remote parts of Siberia and North — a fear reinforced by the examples of postwar deportation of entire peoples. In his latest work G. Kostyrchenko, a historian and a scrupulous researcher of Stalin's "Jewish" policies, very thoroughly refutes this "myth of deportation," proving that it had never been confirmed, either then or subsequently by any facts, and even in principle such a deportation would not have been possible (64).

But it is amazing how bewildered were those circles of Soviet Jews, which were unfailingly loyal to the Soviet-Communist ideology. Many years later, S. K. told me: "There is no single action in my life that I am as ashamed of as my belief in the genuineness of "Doctors' Plot" of 1953! — that they, perhaps involuntarily, were involved a foreign conspiracy..."

An article from the 1960s states that "in spite of a pronounced anti-Semitism of Stalin's rule ... many [Jews] prayed that Stalin stayed alive, as they knew through experience that any period of weak power means a slaughter of Jews. We were well aware of the quite rowdy mood of the 'fraternal nations' toward us" (65).

On February 9th a bomb exploded at the Soviet embassy in Tel Aviv. On February 11, 1953 the USSR broke off diplomatic relations with Israel. The conflict surrounding the "Doctors' Plot" intensified due to these events.

And then Stalin went wrong, and not for the first time, right? He did not understand how the thickening of the plot could threaten him personally, even within the secure quarters of his inaccessible political Olympus. The explosion of international anger coincided with the rapid action of internal forces, which could possibly have done away with Stalin. It could have happened through Beria (for example, according to Avtorhanov's version (66).)

After a public communiqué about the "Doctors' Plot" Stalin lived only 51 days. "The release from custody and the acquittal of the doctors without trial were perceived by the older generation of Soviet Jews as a repetition of the Purim miracle": Stalin had perished on the day of Purim, when Esther saved the Jews of Persia from Haman (67).

On April 3 all the surviving accused in the "Doctors' Plot" were released. It was publicly announced the next day.

And yet again exactly the Jews pushed the frozen history forward.


Alexander Solzhenitsyn Speaks to the West

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Bodley Head, London, 1978

{p. 7} 30 June 1975

Mr Solzhenitsyn delivered this speech in Washington, DC, at a dinner ...

{p. 15} This was a system which, in time of peace, artificially created a famine causing six million persons to die in the Ukraine between 1932 and 1933. They died on the very threshold of Europe.

{p. 16} And Europe didn't even notice it. The world didn't even notice it. Six million persons!"

Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers Qld 4660, Australia ph +61 7 41262296 [in Australia: 07 41262296] http://mailstar.net/index.html

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gertee Instructable becomes popular!

Eric, founder and CEO of Instructables, has informed me my gertee tutorial just became officially popular: http://www.instructables.com/outside/camping/?sort=POPULAR

Monday, August 9, 2010

Is communitarianism a "real word"?

From a forum today at the Columbus Dispatch:
Yes, I have 2 degrees. Proud of 'em - I worked hard to earn them. Not even a scholarship.

I don't want children feeling guilty because their parents are unable or unwilling to supply what they need to learn. It's not their fault - let them feel guilty for their own bad choices.

You didn't spend time and money "supplying" me with anything - I earned every penny (emphasis on "penny") I made.

I didn't have time to "train" kids to be group thinkers or COMMUNITARIANS (hate to break it to your uneducated self...not a real word)- I taught kids math, reading, and history. I didn't have time to worry about leftist philosophy what with the schizophrenics, crack-babies, adhd kids, and kids who had never been told not to hit their neighbor during an argument.

Bill Gates talks about ‘vaccines to reduce population’ By F. William Engdahl,

Got this link in an email from a man who said he found my site and enjoys it. Thanks Stanley, this is another researcher I'm unfamiliar with. Vaccines is another issue that touches us all at our core beings.
Bill Gates talks about ‘vaccines to reduce population’
By F. William Engdahl, 4 March 2010

Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to tackle diseases, solve food shortages in Africa and alleviate poverty. In a recent conference in California, Gates reveals a less public agenda of his philanthropy―population reduction, otherwise known as eugenics. Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED2010 Conference, in a speech titled, “Innovating to Zero!.” Along with the scientifically absurd proposition of reducing manmade CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approximately four and a half minutes into the talk, Gates declares, "First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."1 (author’s emphasis).

In plain English, one of the most powerful men in the world states clearly that he expects vaccines to be used to reduce population growth. When Bill Gates speaks about vaccines, he speaks with authority. In January 2010 at the elite Davos World Economic Forum, Gates announced his foundation would give $10 billion (circa €7.5 billion) over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world.

The rest is here: http://engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net/Swine_Flu/Gates_Vaccines/gates_vaccines.html

Here's Engdahl's GMO research:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chrisopher Story murdered - other journalists targeted

I am unfamiliar with all these people and the links. The link to this report about his death was sent to me from a friend today who warned me to be careful. I guess some people take my ACL reporting seriously enough to think others may also take me seriously. I woke today with a sinus infection and a toothache, but I'm fairly certain it's just a result of having a gorgeous 80 above day yesterday (hottest day of the summer... 130 degrees warmer than it will be in three months) and my poor uninsured, unfunded lifestyle that's making me sick. :)

My heartiest thanks to all the birthday well wishers and book orders! I had a lovely day cleaning and rearranging my new 20' sanctuary. After it cooled down I dug out $6.90 in nickels, rode my bike over to the Merc to buy popcorn and a cherry soda, and when I got there my friends Ron and Corina bought me an ice cream sandwhich, 2 movies, chips and sour cream too! It doesn't take much to make me happy. I got so inspired I even did a load of dishes.

Edward Harle-Story's last report is long, detailed and will take some time to investigate. It includes points like: "The Chinese have had enough and are ready to take drastic lethal measures."
• The Lienholders exercised a foreclosure and management takeover on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd July 2010 of Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt, Germany and of Bank of America, Charlotte, NC. They took this action due to ongoing sabotage by the US official keptocracy.
• They immediately removed people in both banks working for the saboteurs and opponents of the necessary resolutions and cleared derivatives (toxic debt) off the balance sheets.
• This took Deutsche Bank out of the control of Bush Sr.’s agent [see earlier reports: Archive], Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the saboteurs in Germany.
• Likewise they took the CIA’s compromised Bank of America out of the control of the corrupt bankers and CIA saboteurs in the United States.
• Her Majesty The Queen signed the necessary authorities for the Refunding Programme, the Loan Facility and other necessary papers during her visit to New York, as expected.
• As a result of the above the necessary funds were available for distribution
on Tuesday 6th July 2010.
• As usual, George Bush Sr. interfered, as a consequence of which the Chinese parties had a ‘talk’ with the corrupt, demonic Godfather Bush Sr.
• By 7th July (Wednesday) a full meeting of Compliance Officers had taken place and the parties were again said to be prepared to initiate the transfers.
• Whereupon the corrupt Leon Panetta, Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), pathetically following ‘instructions’ issued by a private citizen named George H. W. Bush and issued to his poodle in the White House, the gutless Barack Hussein Obama, issued instructions to banking authorities the ‘placate but do not pay’ (accounting for the immediate lies summarised below), thus ‘preventing’ the feckless and terrified banking authorities from making any transfers.
• Bush Sr.’s poodle, Barack Hussein Obama, is too weak and lacking in backbone to grasp that Bush Sr.’s threats [see below] are BLUFF. He lacks the spine to stand up to this crook and face him down, which is the only way to deal with these possessed ‘Black’ US Nazi operatives, as we have amply demonstrated on this website
• On 7th July, the Chinese authorities then had another talk’ with Bush Sr., as a consequence of which the payout procedures were put back in place on that date, to start up at 3:00pm EDT..
• Having thus lied as usual to the Chinese parties, private citizen Bush Sr. contacted Barack Hussein Obama and INSTRUCTED HIM not to allow the release of the funds.
• In that telephone call to the White House, Bush Sr. also threatened that if Obama authorised release of the funds, Bush Sr. would go to the Supreme Court and have Obama’s Presidency terminated’ [see earlier reports, notably the Biden comment on this score].
• As a consequence, the terrified and gutless Obama obeyed the private citizen George H. W. Bush and the agreed-upon payout of the Settlement funds has not taken place.
• Michael C. Cottrell, BA, M.S., was duly advised on Tuesday 6th July that the preliminary payment due to him would be satisfied on that date and that the Loan Facility would be in place on Thursday 8th July 2010.
• On Friday 9th July ‘the word went out’ that Mr Cottrell was not to be paid, the opposite of what had been categorically stated earlier.
• The payments agreed to and set out in the Basel List have not been affected as a direct consequence of this sabotage.
• Given the above, Gold Badges, US Law Enforcement, the corrupted US military under the former CIA Director Robert Gates, et al., are all in continuing dereliction of their duty in failing to arrest and lock up the Financial Terrorist George H. W. Bush Sr., either because they, like Joseph Biden, are all blackmailed and compromised, or because they fear that Mr Bush Sr.’s thuggists will murder them, and because they lack the intelligence to understand that Bush Sr.’s behaviour amounts to nothing more than the familiar childish, weak Psy-Ops BLUFF and bullying overfamiliar to students of the Mafiosi Godfathers, of which this criminal is the most ruthless and dangerous operative alive today.
• US law enforcement, Gold badges, feckless CIA operatives, cloth-eared, arrogant and corrupt US military cadres have accordingly dragged the reputation of the United States below sewer level in the eyes of all in the know at highest levels worldwide, with their gutless behaviour.
• Everyone who is anyone in positions of relevant importance worldwide is fully aware of this scandalous state of affairs, not least from this website, which has enormous clout ‘where it matters’. They had better exercise their powers to put an end to what is undoubtedly the biggest financial terrorism and corruption crisis in world history.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

DHS Announces New Community-Based Law Enforcement Initiatives

Somebody just sent this to Rense:
DHS Announces New Community-Based Law Enforcement Initiatives

DHS Announces New Community-Based Law Enforcement Initiatives --Expands "If You See Something, Say Something" Campaign to the Washington, D.C., area

03 Aug 2010

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano today announced a series of initiatives to support state and local law enforcement and community groups across the country in identifying and mitigating threats to their communities and expanded DHS "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign to the Washington, D.C., area in conjunction with National Night Out, an annual anticrime campaign involving citizens, police and neighborhood groups. "Homeland security begins with hometown security, and our efforts to confront threats in our communities are most effective when they are led by local law enforcement and involve strong collaboration with the communities and citizens they serve," said Secretary Napolitano. {emphasis mine}
Added August 4 -

There's nothing local about community oriented policing. This is a global federal program that plans to use this new branch of federal police as "social resources." (http://nord.twu.net/acl/quietrevolution.html) Community based law enforcement officers enforce global communitarian laws (http://nord.twu.net/acl/commlaw.html).

Communitarian law balances the rights of the individuals in the community against the rights of the community at large. The community's needs are often referred to as the "common good." The common good mentality claims the community has the "right" to require individuals living in the community to give up a certain amount of privacy and independence because the community cannot protect itself unless it has complete files on everyone. New Communitarian Community responsibilities include mandatory community service as a community based laborer.

In a diverse with unity communitarian community, we're all identified as either assets or problems. Neighborhood groups are responsible for helping community police identify which people are assets, and which people are problems. Potential for either is also a consideration. (The COMPASS program is the basis for my book 2020: Our Common Destiny)

U.S. laws, like the 4th and 5th Amendments that directly forbid this community based legal ideology are considered "barriers" (SPD Chief Norm Stamper 1998) to the COPS program.

Here's some people identified as a "serious problem" to the community: (thanks Sean!)
Police Begin "Guns Drawn" Raids on Organic food Stores in California

Israel to Expel 400 children, by Jason Koutsoukis

I got a rude email today accusing me of being a cult, a crackpot conspiracy theorist and a Jew hater for writing about what's happening to Oliver Stone. This is for Richard:
Israel to expel 400 children
August 3, 2010


ISRAEL will expel 400 native-born children of non-Jewish foreign workers to help safeguard the country's Jewish identity.

Migrant advocacy groups responded angrily, arguing that the decision would punish innocent children by sending them back to impoverished nations their parents left in search of better lives in Israel.

Announcing the decision on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the policy was also aimed at halting the flow of illegal immigrants across the southern border with Egypt.

''On the one hand, this problem is a humanitarian problem, we all feel and understand the hearts of children,'' Mr Netanyahu said. ''But on the other hand, there are Zionist considerations and ensuring the Jewish character of the state of Israel.''

Under the new rules, children born to foreign workers who entered Israel legally, and who have lived in Israel for five years or more, speak Hebrew and are enrolled in an Israeli school, will be eligible for permanent residency.

After considering the issue for more than a year, the Israeli cabinet voted 13 to 10 in favour of the decision.

Some ministers voted against the move because not enough children were being expelled. Other ministers were opposed to expelling any children.

About 400 children of foreign workers will have to leave Israel by the end of the month, while another 800 children will be eligible to stay.

''This isn't the state of the Jews that I know, that expels children,'' said Industry Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, a Labour Party member. ''This is not the right time to let people see Israel expelling 400 children.''

Rotem Ilan, chairman of Israeli Children, an advocacy group for migrant workers' families, said: ''We're talking about children here. They are the children of people who came to Israel legally to work.

''We brought these people here to plough our fields, build our houses and take care of our grandparents. And with people, come families.''

Ms Ilan argued that it was the deportation of children that threatened Israel's Jewish character.

''The obligation to act with kindness and compassion to foreigners is the most frequently repeated commandment in the Torah,'' she said.
Some Jews obviously still think the Torah is Jewish Law. Does that make them anti Semitic? What is the "Jewish identity" that the Zionists want to "safeguard?" Why do I always get the same hate mails every time I write something about someone who is under attack for telling the truth about Israel and the Zionist influence on the American media? Jewish Who's Whos always boast of the Jewish prominence in industry and the arts. Israeli technology dominates the global market. The Israeli military has the U.S. military doing its bidding in the Middle East. These are facts, and to quote Barbra Streisand, "I've got no axe to grind.. but hey... what are ya.... blind?"

Richard, were you trained at the same school in Israel as all the other Zionist drones who monitor the internet for "hate speech?" You people are almost as entertaining as Jesse Ventura.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"A Secret History of America" by Oliver Stone

My 54th birthday is on Tuesday. It's also my four year anniversary of camping at Camp Redington. Maybe I'll have a big bonfire and burn all the moldy tarps and books I rescued (too late) from the wall tent. Please feel free to send cash presents via our paypal donation button on the right. It's been a broke year and there's a few things I need to buy before winter hits next month. Plus I could sure use a case of black beer in case anyone stops by for my cookout.

I haven't had enough time lately to read all the interesting things coming into my mailbox and via comments here at the blog. Reading Manly P. Hall, and once I got past his difficult but essential lesson in the history of philosophy, I began to understand why john recommended it to me. In the meantime, even with all my growing anxiety and stress over my uncertain future and the future of my country and what's happening to the rest of the world, I keep plugging away at the gertee book as if it still matters. Gertee is possibly the hardest book I've written so far. It's impossible to keep my anti communitarian sentiments out of the text, and some days it reads just like a topic page off the ACL. I delete more than I save.

I've always been somewhat of a fan of Stone's movies, even though I was sure we disagreed politically. One Hollywood actor from Venezuela think he's a communist tool. Does Maria understand communitarianism in her home country? Still, like the hilarious Jesse Ventura series, I would really like to see this new series Stone's produced. What secrets does he reveal? Has anyone ever heard Stone use the word "communitarian?" Is he aware of the way it's sweeping South American politics? http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_59231.shtml

Stone's being attacked by the Jewish media enforcement teams for suggesting Jews control the media. As Gilad Atzmon says, "Stone apologized for telling the truth" http://gilad.squarespace.com/writings/gilad-atzmon-oliver-stone-apologized-for-telling-the-truth.html

New York Times


Oliver Stone Controversy


Published: July 26, 2010

Oliver Stone found himself the catalyst of an online brush fire on Monday after he made comments published in The Sunday Times of London that were interpreted as anti-Semitic. In an interview with The Times to promote his documentary “South of the Border,” which is about South American politics, Mr. Stone defended Hitler. “Hitler was a Frankenstein, but there was also a Dr. Frankenstein,” he said. “German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support. Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people.” Mr. Stone then proceeded to discuss what he called “the Jewish domination of the media,” adding with an expletive that Israel had messed up “United States foreign policy for years.” Bloggers quickly picked up on the comments, and the American Jewish Committee issued a news release condemning him. “By invoking this grotesque, toxic stereotype, Oliver Stone has outed himself as an anti-Semite,” the committee’s executive director, David Harris, said in the release. Mr. Stone, whose next Hollywood movie, “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps,” will be released by 20th Century Fox on Sept. 24, has stirred controversy with his comments in this arena before. In January the director told a gathering of television critics that “Hitler is an easy scapegoat” while discussing his Showtime nonfiction mini-series, “Secret History of America.” At that time the Simon Wiesenthal Center harshly rebuked him for the remarks. A spokesman for Mr. Stone was not immediately available to comment.
Did anyone hear the show Jeff Rense and Devvy Kidd did on Communitarianism?