Sunday, January 31, 2010

Catholic Social Teaching: A communitarian democratic capitalism for the new world order

Still studying the Catholic contributions to communitarian thinking. Martin opened my eyes to the importance of understanding Pope John Paul II and Vatican II. These other writers assure me this is a fairly open and well hashed out topic within the modern Catholic community. Will that make it more difficult for me to discuss political communitarianism with someone who has tied the political to the religious already; will it mean I am challenging their religion if I oppose it?

Catholic Social Teaching: A communitarian democratic capitalism for the new world order, by Oliver F. Williams1
(1) University of Notre Dame, 46556 Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

Abstract Catholic Social Teaching has taken a remarkable turn with the May 1991 document on economic ethics, Centesimus Annus. During their one hundred year history, church documents were notable for their courageous championing of the rights of the least advantaged; they were much less distinguished for their understanding of how markets and incentives function in capitalism. Most business leaders admired church teaching for its compassion but had little respect for its competence. With this most recent document, however, there is a growing conviction that the church may have come of age in economic ethics. Even the Wall Street Journal has celebrated Centesimus Annus. The article outlines the highlights of the document and its points of continuity with the tradition. Responses from business and the academy are also briefly considered.

Oliver F. Williams is a member of the faculty and serves as Associate Provost of the University of Notre Dame. A Catholic priest, Father Williams has a doctorate and other degrees in theology and chemical engineering. He has published and lectured extensively in the field of business ethics.
This article includes an updated version of some material previously published. For more elaboration on the history of Catholic social teaching, see articles by Williams, O. F. in Houck, J. W. and Williams, O. F. (eds.): 1984,Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy: Working Papers for a Bishops'' Pastoral (University Press of America, Washington, DC) and in Williams, O. F. and Houck, J. (eds.): 1982,The Judeo-Christian Vision and the Modern Corporation (University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN).
Other sources that tie the economy to religious communitarianism:

Communitarian Liberalism in Support of an Equitable Global Economy, by John E. Kelly, Ph.D., Philosophy, Canisius College, 2001 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14208, Sources include "Relevant modern papal social encyclicals beginning with Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum up to Pope John Paul II’s Centesimus Annus (100thRerum Novarum)."

A Communitarian Model of Business: A Natural-Law Perspective
by Surendra Arjoon

This article compares and contrasts a communitarian view of business with business models under the liberalist and socialist doctrines. Specifically, it attempts to define a communitarian view that is based on natural-law principles. The communitarian view represents the proper balance and order between the claims of liberal and socialist views, and provides assistance to private initiative, while at the same time correcting its abuses and respecting its rights. The theoretical framework developed in this article utilizes a metaethical approach in specifying the underlying philosophical assumptions about rationality, primary purpose, basic unit, supreme value, market characteristics, dynamics of market regulatory mechanism, and juridical order. Today, there is need for a new humanism based on an integral view of the human person. Natural-law communitarianism recaptures the metaphysical certitude of the human person and thereby provides a philosophy of authentic human development. By its very nature, it defines the business organization that incorporates its social purposes.
The communitarian third way: Alexandre Marc's ordre nouveau, 1930-2000
By John Hellman

Ordre Nouveau's "neither right nor left" movement, based on personalism and revolutionary federalism, helped shape modern Catholic political culture in France, the National Revolution instituted by the Vichy regime, the post-war European movement, and the contemporary European New Right. It influenced European youth exchanges, veterans' organizations, trade unions, religious groups, artists, and architects, even the executive of the French national railway system. In The Communitarian Third Way John Hellman introduces us to the non-conformist Alexandre Marc, a Russian Jew who became a Christian convert and full-time professional revolutionary.Marc helped Le Corbusier launch Plans, imported the existential philosophy of Husserl and Heidegger to France, helped Mounier start Esprit, and was an important force in revitalizing traditional French Catholic political culture. Hellman uses interviews, unpublished correspondence, and diaries to situate Marc and the Ordre Nouveau group in the context of the French, German, and Belgian political culture of that time and explains the degree to which the ON group succeeded in institutionalizing their new order under Pétain. Hellman also examines their post-war legacy, represented by Alain de Benoist and the contemporary European New Right, shedding new light on the linkages between early national socialism and the political culture of Charles de Gaulle, François Mitterrand, and pioneers of the post World War II European movement.
On Catholic Communitarianism
by Dominic A. Aquila

Although communitarianism commends itself as a third way between the free market and the welfare state, its relentless attack on the former makes it difficult to dissociate it from welfare state socialism. The Catholic version of it is hardly any different. Father Hollenbach proposes “a communitarian reconstruction” of “the classical liberal understanding of human rights” by refounding it on “the traditional natural-law conviction that the human person is an essentially social being.” His great hope is to transform the prevailing liberal understanding of rights as “fenceposts” that protect one’s “turf” from intruders, into “claims” that “specify the minimum standards for what it means to treat people as members of the community.” Father Hollenbach points to the United States Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on the American economy, Economic Justice for All (1986), as an example of the communitarianism he has in mind.

The rest of these citations are not Catholic

On Confucian communitarianism

Hu Weixi 1 Contact Information
(1) Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China

Abstract As a social and political thought, communitarian ideas appeared in the Pre-Qin Confucianism. By the Song Dynasty, it had become a systematic theory, namely, the learning of the “four books.” As a social and political theory, not only can Confucian communitarianism contribute to Western liberalism, but it can also be an intellectual resource for the development of democracy in East Asian countries and regions. The future of the Confucian communitarianism lies in its critique of itself and its discourse with Western liberalism, by which Confucianism evolves from communitarianism into liberalism.

Shaming punishments and communitarianism, the kamakazi model

Orin Kerr has here effectively jumped into today's debate over shaming punishments (basics here). Orin terrifically explains my communitarian-based grounds for suggesting that shaming punishments may actually honor and strengthen human dignity:

Don't [shaming punishments] rely on, and ultimately reinforce, the notion that the offender is a valued member of the community? It seems to me that the offender feels shame precisely because he values his position in the community. Thus judges hand down such punishments only when they think the offender values his position and will want to restore it to its earlier status. In that sense, then, shaming punishments are not about dehumanization, but about hope and community: the punishment is based on and recognizes the hope that the offender will feel a strong enough connection to the community that he will feel shamed, and that the community will value that person's connection to the community enough to react to the offender.

Along these lines, consider this Wikipedia entry on Crime in Japan which notes here the theory that "an important factor keeping crime low [in Japan] is the traditional emphasis on the individual as a member of groups to which he or she must not bring shame."

From Liberalism to Communitarianism: The Erosion of Individual Rights in the Irish Criminal Process? by Liz Campbell, University of Aberdeen - Law School,July 25, 2007
Law and Society in the 21st Century, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
Traditionally, the central concern in the Irish criminal process was the accused person, as is evidenced in the matrix of due process rights which developed to protect him against the might of the State and to safeguard him from unfair conviction. However, in recent years it seems that there has been a shift in discourse and policy away from liberal concerns about the primacy of the individual towards an approach in which the interests and demands of the community and the wider public are prioritised. Contemporary political rhetoric in Ireland often presents the community as an entity with an entitlement to protection from harm, and developments in the criminal process are increasingly justified by invoking the rights of the community, to the detriment of individual liberties.

This paper explores a number of measures which encapsulate this trend. Firstly, the right to bail was restricted in 1996, so as to prevent further offending, and this was based on the perceived need for public protection, notwithstanding the effects on individual liberties. Also, the introduction of behaviour orders under the Criminal Justice Act 2006 was legitimated by the need to protect the public from anti-social behaviour. When exploring such legislative developments which indicate the growing import accorded to the community in the criminal process, this paper will examine the threat that the adoption of elements of communitarianism poses to individual rights. Furthermore, the perception that the interests of the community and those of the suspect are fundamentally at odds will be challenged, and the importance of the limitation on State powers will be emphasised.

Rastafari: Roots and Ideology (Utopianism and Communitarianism),b.html

Ubuntu and communitarianism in media ethics
Clifford G. Christians

A robust and visionary media ethics depends on the normative theory in which it is rooted. Two such paradigms have grown up independently—ubuntu in Africa and communitarianism in Europe and North America. For both, the community is ontologically prior to persons. They serve as an antidote to mainstream libertarianism. Ubuntu as a universal idea solidifies dialogic communitarianism and keeps it oriented intellectually. Ubuntu’s total focus on humans and its insistence on the moral dimension of society produce an ubuntu communitarianism that is the most mature version of any to date. As a normative paradigm for media ethics, ubuntu communitarianism emphasises authentic disclosure for news and moral literacy as the media’s mission. Its liberatory journalism empowers citizens to come to agreement about social problems and solutions among themselves rather than depending on the political elite or professional experts.

Communitarianism vs. Individual Rights In the West and the Islamic World
David Lea, Dr. Lea is an associate professor of philosophy at the American University of Sharjah, the United Arab Emirates.
In the 1980s, however, these arguments came into question. A powerful "communitarian" or "culturist" movement began to gain force and stress the value of the community.3 These academics questioned the liberal tendency to articulate principles of justice based on the "bi-polarity" of the individual, on the one hand, and the state, on the other. They argued that justice must go beyond the idea of equal rights for all citizens and provide special rights for communities and cultural groupings so that these cultural groups could survive and endure the overwhelming threats to their traditions.
Utopian and Communitarian Movements
The Oxford Companion to United States History | 2001 | Paul S. Boyer |
Traditional cloistered Roman Catholic orders, introduced to America by Augustinian monks who reached Philadelphia in the 1790s, and perpetuated in the twentieth century by Trappists, Benedictines, and other orders, represented a different form of the communitarian vision. So, too, did colonies embracing Spiritualism or Theosophy; gender‐based settlements such as the Women's Commonwealth in Texas and Washington, D.C. (1874–1906), and ashrams established by Asian‐influenced mystics in Massachusetts and California in the 1920s. In the Depression‐wracked 1930s, Catholic renewalists started a communitarian religious retreat, “The Grail,” in Ohio; conservative Protestants founded communities in Texas and Arkansas to promote fundamentalist religious beliefs; and radical Jews formed socialist colonies in Michigan.
Monday, 8:30 am add on -
If the American founders were really freemasons as many Lodges claim to be true, then is it just as possible they were also secretly communitarians, as Bill Clinton and Amitai Etzioni insist? Was Thomas Jefferson aware of the dialectical divide between materialism and spiritualism? Did he understand the synthesis and the conflicts necessary to move it to final conclusion? What does it mean to take the side of materialism when following in the steps of Jesus Christ? How perfectly Jefferson's Bible plays into Pope John Paul's assessment of the Soviet and American systems.

In The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus, Jefferson describes his views of Jesus Christ, the Christian religion, and his own religious beliefs. In a Syllabus which he appended to his Bible, he compared the teachings of Jesus to those of the earlier Greek and Roman philosophers, and to the religion of the Jews of Jesus' time. The following excerpt is from a letter discussing the Syllabus. Of significance is his statement, "...(Jesus) preaches the efficacy of repentance towards forgiveness of sin; I require counterpoise of good works to redeem it..."

"But while this syllabus is meant to place the character of Jesus in its true and high light, as no impostor Himself, but a great Reformer of the Hebrew code of religion, it is not to be understood that I am with Him in all His doctrines. I am a Materialist; he takes the side of Spiritualism; he preaches the efficacy of repentance towards forgiveness of sin; I require counterpoise of good works to redeem it, etc., etc. It is the innocence of His character, the purity and sublimity of His moral precepts, the eloquence of His inculcations, the beauty of the apologues in which He conveys them, that I so much admire; sometimes, indeed, needing indulgence to eastern hyperbolism. My eulogies, too, may be founded on a postulate which all may not be ready to grant. Among the sayings and discourses imputed to Him by His biographers, I find many passages of fine imagination, correct morality, and of the most lovely benevolence; and others, again, of so much ignorance, so much absurdity, so much untruth, charlatanism and imposture, as to pronounce it impossible that such contradictions should have proceeded from the same Being. I separate, therefore, the gold from the dross; restore to Him the former, and leave the latter to the stupidity of some, and roguery of others of His disciples. Of this band of dupes and impostors, Paul was the great Coryphaeus, and first corruptor of the doctrines of Jesus. These palpable interpolations and falsifications of His doctrines, led me to try to sift them apart. I found the work obvious and easy, and that His past composed the most beautiful morsel of morality which has been given to us by man. The syllabus is therefore of His doctrines, not all of mine. I read them as I do those of other ancient and modern moralists, with a mixture of approbation and dissent..." (6) {emphasis added by me}
What actual role, if any, did Freemasonry play in setting up the political-religious divide between Republicans and Democrats? How far back does the penetration by the Masons-Luciferians-Marxists of the Vatican go? Were there open Iluminists in the American constitutional groups prior to 1775? Did the enlightenment serve only to further the divide? What role did the Protestant churches really play in the global divisions? Is there an authentic divide between the material and the transcendent sides of human existence? What if this is but a piece of an elaborate plot to transform the entire world into a global empire in the 21st century?

One thing's for sure, there is nothing normal about the progress of the divide between Christians and Christians, Christians and Muslims, and Catholics and Catholics; it did not evolve naturally.

The Energy Non-Crisis, by Lindsey Williams

Revised the ACL homepage this weekend. Heading to the Post Office again tomorrow to ship out the mini (!) and my Marine's package. Been kind of stuck lately.

Found this book from a friend on fb, haven't read much of it yet, but as a former wife of an Alyeska mechanical superintendent, I can say the first chapter reads like the author was there. My ex always worried I'd write an expose of the things I learned from conversations in our home he had with "the boys." I was insulted to think he thought that just because I was a journalist in college I would sabotage his career with gossip, and assured him nobody cared about all the dumb things they said and did, even if they were pretty funny sometimes.

But there were a couple things that were not so funny... and I'll be damned if they aren't titles to chapters in this book. Should be an interesting read... not on the list of projects or chores, okay, it's not on the schedule at all. I'm going to find time to read it anyway, this could be one of those parts of the dialectic I've avoided confronting in myself because it was too personal. Now that Pat's retired it may not matter anymore what I write or don't write, but he's still the father of my boy and so I'm not all that anxious to connect his career as a pipefitter to the global communitarian scam. I walk a fine enough line as it is with my family, some of whom are just lately beginning to realize I'm not as crazy as they wanted me to be. :) The more obvious it gets that something is very, very wrong in America, the harder it is to accuse me of being paranoid. It just wasn't that long ago that it was suggested I needed to go to a mental hospital, for real.


The content of this manuscript is only as valuable and useful to the reader as the credibility of the authors.

The honesty, integrity, and therefore the credibility, of the authors of this book is unquestionable to the limit of their combined facts and knowledge.

I can personally attest to many of the facts, and certainly many of the conversations quoted in the book, as I spent a week with Chaplain Lindsey on the North Slope of Alaska during the construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline. I was privileged to talk with high officials of Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. For reasons unknown to me, I was given access to private information that apparently very few outsiders were ever given. I moved among the men at work and in the barracks. My week on the North Slope was a liberal education.

The motivation for this book is to bring facts to the American people as the authors know them. They do not have a political ax to grind nor any personal advantage by bringing forth these facts. Our President has stated that our energy problem is the equivalent of war. Yet he has embraced policies that have continually discouraged and hampered the development of our oil industry.

Nearly ten years ago President Nixon warned of a pending energy shortage unless our domestic production be drastically increased, but Congress insisted on restrictive price controls.

Congress has been urged—and sometimes threatened—by special interest groups to take a negative stance on energy production, but they have miserably failed to take proper action to increase our domestic production. In fact, as you read this book you must come to the realization that energy production has been fiercely stifled by "Government Bureaucracy, " and Congress has sat on its collective hands.

You, the reader, will be left to make your own conclusions as to why this set of facts and circumstances conflict many times with what we have been told by the news media—which is fed its information by Government Agencies and Departments.

It is with great pride and pleasure that I endorse this manuscript and compliment the authors for taking time to do the research and make it available to all of us.

March 19, 1980.
Hugh M. Chance
Former Senator of
The State of Colorado

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Communitarianism is a geopolitical term

It's too bad so many online dictionaries keep re posting wikipedia pages as if wiki is an unbiased source. Someone else posted our exit link on their communitarian page years ago, soon after everything I wrote on the first page was deleted. A few editors called me a wacko site and removed the link to the ACL, and there is a history of their "debate" in Talk Communitarianism. There's also a log of my direct arguments and it's obvious I eventually gave up re posting links on the topic page to communitarian law. I did manage to add quite a few things that show the actual PRACTICAL applications though, like the whole communitarian organizations section. Of course I originally put up maybe 4 times the number left on there now.

The opening paragraph on wiki's communitarian page is so benign and boring, who can ever take this obscure philosophy seriously? Don't worry, communitarianism is just a theory and nobody takes it seriously. It has nothing to do with the creation, principles or philosophy of TSA. Amitai Etzioni has no influence what-so-ever on US airport security programs, he has no interest in putting our security first or what our limits of privacy are. He's nobody. The fact that the entire world incorporated the same exact "community policing" philosophy in the 1990s is purely coincidental. Only wackos are concerned about a grassroots, spontaneous armed "movement" that is identical in every place it spontaneously sprouts in reaction to purely local safety issues.
communitarian in Danish: Kommunitarisme
communitarian in German: Kommunitarismus
communitarian in Spanish: Comunitarismo
communitarian in Esperanto: Komunumismo
communitarian in French: Communautarisme identitaire
communitarian in Indonesian: Komunitarianisme
communitarian in Icelandic: Félagshyggja (stjórnmálaheimspeki)
communitarian in Italian: Comunitarismo
communitarian in Dutch: Communitarisme
communitarian in Japanese: 共同体主義
communitarian in Polish: Komunitaryzm
communitarian in Russian: Коммунитаризм
communitarian in Serbian: Комунитаризам
communitarian in Serbo-Croatian: Komunitarizam
communitarian in Finnish: Kommunitarismi
communitarian in Swedish: Kommunitarism
communitarian in Vietnamese: Chủ nghĩa cộng đồng
communitarian in Chinese: 社群主義
Thanks to Jimmy for passing this email along, even though I believe the War on Terror is a communitarian agenda and our conflicts with the Arabs are dialectically driven by the Zionists. I don't know if this conversation really happened but if it did it makes me happy to see our fighting men have their guts intact.

If it didn't happen, then I wonder at the purpose for creating it.

The fact that this is easily what could be happening in Middle Eastern skies is a clear indication of how closely we all walk on the edge of a massive expansion of the Iraqi and Afghanistan fronts. No word for over a month from my Marine. I'm taking that in the no news is good news vein.
Conversation overheard on the VHF Guard (emergency) frequency 121.5 MHz while flying from Europe to Dubai . It's too good not to pass along. The conversation went like this...

Iranian Air Defense Radar: “Unknown aircraft you are in Iranian airspace. Identify yourself.”
Aircraft: “This is a United States aircraft. I am in Iraqi airspace.”
Air Defense Radar: “You are in Iranian airspace. If you do not depart our airspace we will launch interceptor aircraft!”
Aircraft:”This is a United States Marine Corps FA-18 fighter. Send 'em up, I'll wait!”
Air Defense Radar: (no response .... Total silence)

God bless our troops.

Say it Ain't So, by Becky Akers

With so little humor in my own writings, I do love it when I find another writer who can make me laught at the communitarian liars. The tone is just lovely, thanks Consuelo!

Say it Ain’t So, by Becky Akers

Prepare for a shock: the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) lied.

That’s the bureaucracy pestering passengers in airports while the Underwear Bomber waltzes past checkpoints onto his plane and sets himself afire. No matter: the TSA turned that flaming failure into an excuse to clamor more loudly for "whole-body imagers," i.e., cameras that virtually strip-search us.

Though the TSA pretends these pornographic contraptions are its answer to explosive briefs, it’s actually been lusting after them for years – even as passengers vehemently objected to exposing themselves to government agents, especially ones armed with cameras. And so the TSA’s propagandists swore its imagers could neither store nor transmit pictures. Screeners may leer at your birthday suit for the "short 12 or 15 seconds" they scan you, but "the minute that the passenger walks in through the [imager] and is cleared, meaning they’re given a green light, that image is gone forever."

Ahem: not according to documents recently pried from the agency’s claws. The specs the TSA supplied to the machines’ manufacturers call for the capacity to both send and store images.

I know, I know: you’re terribly disillusioned. You thought the TSA’s selfless patriots protected you, not their own voyeurism. After all, they’re in that noblest of professions, public service; they’re from the government, and they’re here to help, not hoodwink. Sure, screeners and the agency’s assorted other miscreants become a bit coarse and cantankerous at times, even cruel, but only when we inmates disagree that they’re God.

Meanwhile, some serfs are foolish enough to question the TSA’s wisdom, skill, even its intentions. Among the heretics is EPIC, the Electronic Privacy Information Center. It refused to accept Our Rulers’ word that their perverted gadgets "have zero storage capability," as the TSA’s website insists in at least three places and as its innumerable spokesfolks have assured the travelling public. Rather, EPIC’s skeptics actually prosecuted "a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit" to "[obtain] the technical specifications and vendor contracts" for the gizmos.

Sadly, those papers show the agency for a bold and brazen liar: "the TSA specifies that the body scanners it purchases must have the ability to store and send images when in ‘test mode.’" EPIC shared its findings with CNN, usually one of the government’s most reliable and loyal cheerleaders. And even CNN had to admit that the TSA may be "misleading the public," though the network quickly qualified this scandalous allegation by adding that it’s merely what "a privacy group says."

Anyone with a computer and common sense could have proved the TSA’s deception years ago by visiting the manufacturers’ websites: "storage capacity" is a benefit sales forces hype. (Or did. Rapiscan Systems’ website includes a page of "FAQ's." Number 10 is, "Can the Secure 1000 images be saved?" The answer is not only "yes" but "easily": "If saving images is enabled then the images acquired with the system can be saved on the system's hard disk or transferred to floppy disk... The stored images can be recalled and viewed on the system monitor or on any IBM compatible personal computer with color graphics." Intriguingly, "FAQ #10" still appears in the list of questions, but the answer no longer does. Wonder whether Rapiscan’s multi-million-dollar contract with the TSA had anything to do with that deletion…)

Besides, the TSA’s claim of "zero storage capacity" is preposterous on its face. The agency’s fondness for falsehood often lands it in sticky situations where it tries (but fails) to discredit passengers with footage from cameras. To believe that it would pass up yet more visual ammunition against taxpayers betrays a fundamental, egregious, criminally naïve ignorance of the TSA specifically and government in general.

Finally, there’s the agency’s notorious aversion to truth. Passengers have caught it in lie after lie, even if the corporate media can’t seem to.

So you might think any writer worth his ink would probe a bit when covering the TSA. But reporters are apparently too busy regurgitating the agency’s press releases to research their stories. So far as I know, not a single account anywhere in the mainstream media ever once questioned the TSA’s claim that its scanners can’t save our images. And though websites galore have picked up EPIC’s recent debunking of the "no-storage" claim, I have yet to discover any mainstream newspaper that has – though these pimps for Leviathan trumpet the TSA’s every belch about needing to ogle us naked.

Indeed, mainstream editors don’t take kindly to writers who reveal any aspect of the TSA’s duplicity. Last summer, when the TSA installed its X-rated X-rays at a few dozen airports nationwide, including Cleveland Hopkins International, I asked the city’s Plain Dealer if it wanted an editorial advising readers of the dangers since the TSA certainly wasn’t warning them.

Five days later, on August 4 at 5:11 PM, "the new editorial page editor," Elizabeth Sullivan, answered: "We'd be interested in considering a very brief op-ed (600 words if possible) on this subject if you are able to submit it by tomorrow afternoon. We do not pay for op-eds. Thanks."

Hmmm… I set to work anyway and actually beat her deadline, submitting the next morning.

But at 10 PM, while I frantically counted words and revised, one of the Plain Dealer’s columnists posted a piece on the same topic, albeit from the opposite perspective: "...The images are not porn…" wrote Connie Schultz, parroting the TSA’s fibs. "Anonymity is protected. Faces are blurred beyond recognition. The agents looking at the images aren't the same ones waving passengers through. Agents cannot bring cell phones or cameras into the screening room... The Transportation Security Administration insists the images are not stored."

Ergo, Liz-Who-Doesn’t-Pay saw no reason to run my article, as she informed me a day later: it "largely parallels what [Connie] wrote for Wednesday's paper. I'm sorry we won't be able to use your piece."

You want to tick off a writer who’s beat a tight deadline, reject her effort without bothering to read it. Or so I assumed: no one who skimmed even my first paragraph could possibly equate my criticism and research with Connie’s obsequious ignorance. I pointed this out to Liz. I’m not crazy enough to suppose she’d run my article, but I do confess the modest ambition of shaming her into at least reading it: "Mine covers different ground, including the carcinogenic risks to backscatter, and offers reasons for distrusting the TSA's propaganda."

Most mainstream editors are savvy enough to ignore a lowly freelancer, particularly one challenging their divine judgment. So I was surprised when Liz responded again: "To me it is just too similar."

Was the woman illiterate? "Ms. Sullivan," I fired back, "your columnist basically recycled the TSA's talking points … Your readers recognized that Ms. Schultz did no research on her own, such as soliciting medical opinions on backscatter X-rays or analyzing data that shows how farcical the TSA's ‘security’ is," as I had. "And they chastised Ms. Schultz for it – did you see their comments? In contrast, my piece counters the TSA's lies with facts and statistics. I guarantee you that while you may not see much difference between the two columns, your readers certainly will."

To which she replied, "To be blunt, I found your column poorly sourced," – see what quoting the TSA gets you? – "full of generalizations and larded with accusations and sarcasm rather than facts. I'm not saying that there isn't more to say on the subject." Oh, indeed. "Your column is not it."

The corporate media continues to hemorrhage not only readers but the advertisers who want to reach them. Executives moan and wring their hands and blame their woes on the internet’s immediacy, not its truthfulness and freedom. Wanna bet they never do figure it out?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is America communitarian?

Did communitarianism arise naturally out of society in the United States? No. Is there any evidence to support the claim that it not only arose from our society but that it was the very foundation for our revolution? No, not unless we also have evidence the US was established as half a dialectical equation that would lead to world communitarianism. But the fact is, nothing having to do with American communitarianism is based on factual information. In 2010, we are all just supposed to believe communitarianism is "what is real about this country."
"Why should the Tea-publicans, these Tea Party baggers deform what is real about this country, which is communitarianism, which is about a responsive, strong government?" {emphasis added} VANDEN HEUVEL,
Wild Bill Clinton keeps telling his audiences a little bit different explanation of communitarianism every time he mentions the word in public. Now communitarianism means: people who know we're all in this together. Heh.
"“You need to take back this tea party idea,” he told the wildly cheering crowds in Boston and later in Worcester. “They say that the original Boston Tea Party was anti-government, but that is wrong. The Massachusetts Bay Colony had a strong government. They weren’t liberal or conservative, they were communitarians, which means they knew we’re all in this together. What they opposed was the abuse of power.” But the aim of the Republican Party and Senate nominee Brown, he charged, is to “protect the modern abusers of power” – namely, the corporate and financial leaders whose depredations can only be curtailed by strong, responsive government." {emphasis added} Bill Clinton in Massachusetts campaigning for Coakley.
Relating back to my earlier post, I'm trying to download Religious Justification in the American Communitarian Republic, Robert Justin Lipkin, Widener University School of Law

And here's an article I just found that includes information about the ACL in the Canada Free Press, The worldwide debut of the Communitarians, by Judi McLeod, Friday, January 15, 2010. Thanks Judi!

God's role in politics, society, economics and culture

16' prototype gertee on 1/20/10

downtown Kenny Lake, 1/20/10
view from gertee's front doorway

Working on a new chart and article that incorporates what I've learned from Henry Makow, Malachi Martin and E. Michael Jones in the past month without internet. Here's what's been running through my brain while I'm doing my daily winter chores:

The Communitarian belief that "sacrifices must sometimes be made for the common good" is the global government's emerging moral standard. Unlike communism, communitarianism values the rights of individual's and their liberty to freely choose their own destiny, unless it intereferes with the common good, which unfortunately requires mandatory individual volunteer sacrifices.

Why do the Earth's people need to adopt laws only trained religious and scientific magicians have the spiritual enlightenment to decipher? The synthesis to all the most important dialectical conflicts is so complex mere mortal minds can never expect to understand the Big Idea.

God v Devil
good v evil
Heaven v Hell
Salvation v Damnation
Faith v Reason
Celtic Tree of Life v The Babylonian Kaballah
Rabbi v Rabbi
Jesus v Rabbis
Christian v Pagans
Kingdom of God in Heaven v Kingdom of God on Earth
Martin Luther (Freemason?) v the Catholic Pope
Non secular (religious) law v secular (non-religious) law
Roman Catholic Europe (Poland-France) v Protestant West, Prussia, England, USA

As a third generation poor immigrant American, my ties to geneological heritage is murky. In my social circles, even what my parents were is considered completely irrelevant. In a half century of traveling and living among Americans, I've seen much hostility between whites and people of color, but I've rarely seen it between white Europeans based on their grandparent's nationalities.

My mother is confirmed Lutheran. I was baptized but never confirmed. I am, like all my countrymen, a product of the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason. I was born and raised in a secular nation, taught to believe the best form of government allows for "no established state religion." I never saw the scism between catholic and protestant as that important to my ACL research, as it turns out I've never been more wrong about anything, in all the wrong things I've published. Not that I've changed my mind yet, but it's sure interesting to realize the core beliefs that the war against Catholic authority made possible.

I didn't know the basis for the American Revolution and the government established in 1776 was believed by Roman Catholics since the fifteenth century to come from a Luciferian, masonic, anti-church movement with global plans to destroy the one true faith. Not only does this agree with Bobby Garner's assessment of the masonic intentions to establish a new world in the Americas, it fills in the underlying accusations against my core principles. To a traditional Catholic, my devotion to God was easily converted into an abomination because my beliefs existed outside the parameters established under Peter's Church. It appears to be commonly understood among Catholics that my voices come from the Devil. I just never knew that.

It's been kind of interesting to me that my paternal family name is Friedrich and possibly Prussian. My dad used to joke that we were direct descendents of Frederick the Great. I assumed he said it to help us kids to overcome the social stigma of our obvious poverty. I saw our family claim to fame as part of his "hold your head up" and "chew with your mouth closed" training. My father hated slouchers and our elbows and wrists never, ever touched the dinner table when he was around. He also often reprimanded me to "open your damn eyes" whenever I smiled so big my eyes disappeared. I don't think my father honored his Mongolian ancestry in quite the same way as I do. (and what I wouldn't do to know what he'd say about gertee!)

Early in my ACL quest for answers I purchased a lithograph of Friedrich der Grosse on horseback I stumbled on when browsing an antique store with my sister Susan. Looking for heros who would guide me in my 4th Amendment legal battle against the City of Seattle, I romanticized my Prussian ancestors as moral defenders of Eastern European Christendom against Mongolian invasions. It was easy to romaticize about the Prussians, they've been completely wiped out of history by their enemies. I began to see my ancestors in a very similar way I see the American Indian tribes. All of our religions, language and culture are dead. Every surviving culture must be retrained in their duties and obligations as global citizens. Holdouts against the nwo or refusal to adopt its norms (busily transforming every continent), are on their way to being wiped out or "reinvented" beyond recognition.

Dr. Kelly Ross may be the best source on the internet regarding the complexity of God's role in all of this reinventing society. The "battle" between Good and Evil goes back thousands of years:

It's beginning to make more sense to me why former British PM & Third Way Communitarian Tony Blair came out as a converted Roman Catholic last year. The utimate Third Way includes a geopolitical church.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Netanyahu, Hegel and the Jewish Spirit by Gilad Atzmon

The weather has been a real challenge. Last night it was 40 below again. I spent the day out in the sunshine shoveling ice and snow off the roof, insulating the back doorway and sawing more fuel. We're in that "let's just make it through the day" phase of winter. It's easier when the sun's shining so bright and sending rays of shine across gertee. Freddie got so excited by the beams he was actually trying to catch them in his hands. There is so much hope with the January sun.. we just keep reminding ourselves just two more months and it'll be above zero every day.

So glad I have no TV or radio lately. I couldn't stand listening to all the phony concern for the Haitians. I can barely tolerate mainstream propaganda when it's my neighbors repeating it. Keep hearing innovatve suggestions for the Haitian "problem" that sound a lot like the Communist Party Platform.. wonder where that's coming from. :) Somebody on Lew Rockwell blog made a post that suggested Hexayurts for Haitians. I guess free enterprise includes communitarian dog houses in American backyards... did the writer even look at the Hexayurt to see what he's recommending?

Thanks to Mark for forwarding this link. Atzmon has, in the past, identified himself as a dialectical thinker. So was Pope John Paul the II as it turns out.

Netanyahu, Hegel and the Jewish Spirit by Gilad Atzmon

Monday, January 18, 2010

Alaska Pride and Real ID - Not just for humans only

My phone cord's been knocked out for over a week, so even though it's been below zero the whole time since it doesn't mean we froze or anything. No need to go looking for an old tinder box barge yet. Thanks for all the emails womdering how we are. I've used the "free time" away from the internet to clean my house, stack wood, haul water, finish the Sarah mini and box it up (finally!) and finished Makow's and Martin's books.. both very interesting additions to my body of knowledge. I now have an entirely new awareness of the most rotten layers of the onion. Writing a new article while I await a phone fixing event to come my way.

Many thanks to Giesla for bringing this blog to my attention. Here's old news that just seems to stay current for some reason:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Britain 2010 - Common Purpose corruption and communitarianism

In 1978 the idea for a unified Europe was called Eurocommunism.

Many thanks to our friend John at SCP for writing this. Whereas John included it in his overview at SCP, I'm finally learning more about Antonio Gramsci from Martin Malachi's book. Gramsci's idea for promoting global Marxism is another key to understanding communitarian thinking. John has generously agreed to allow us to reprint this in the 2010 edition of 2020. We'd still like to include articles from nationals around the world.

Britain 2010 - Common Purpose corruption and communitarianism

Political spectrum Download Britain 2010 -Common Purpose corruption and communitarianism as .pdf.

We are living at a particularly momentous time in history.

In order to understand what is happening in Britain in 2010, you first need to know about a political philosophy called 'communitarianism'.

Communitarianism, aka Tony Blair's 'Third Way', has been implemented by stealth in Britain over the past few years by this New Labour government.

Communitarianism is difficult to pin down. It is...

a. a strange mixture of capitalism and communism. Communitarians want social control in a collectivist and corporatist society;
b. a type of neo-communism that owes some of its ideas to Gramsci and the Fabians;
c. a 'Big Brother knows best' type of philosophy.

Communitarians want...

a. to create a post-modern, post-democratic feudal society known as the 'New World Order' run by a small number of rich and powerful people with everyone else working as peasants. In order to achieve their objectives they must destroy the middle class and the nation state.

b. group rights dominant over individual rights;

c. highly-taxed capitalism merged with social collectivism, administered through QUANGOs and fake charities. They call this 'civil society'.

The communitarians, through stealth, perseverance, duplicity, and subversion, have snatched individual-rights based democracy right out from under our noses, and replaced it with group-rights based communitarianism - a trendy, innovative, and newish form of communism administered by foreign elitists.

They are convinced that a communitarian system is 'better' for society - 'improved social cohesion' is the central tenet of their political ideology.

Obama, Blair, Brown and Mandelson et al are Fabian communitarians and Cameron and Clegg show distinct communitarian tendencies, although you will not have heard them use the term. The truth of their hidden agenda is now known and we know their real intentions. These people are front-men for the New World Order communitarians.

Communitarian policy has been seen as fascist corporatism with the primary difference that instead of focussing on nation states, own country and people, it propagates a supranational policy. A secondary difference is it influences by means of informal social structures, like for example Common Purpose, instead of by institutionalised State violence - at least for the time being.

Communitarianism is aimed just like fascists, socialists and communists at the collective. The interests of the collective always prevail above the interests of the individual. Individuals must subjugate themselves to the 'common good'. Communitarians create imaginary problems such as global warming, terrorism suppression and the bank crisis to force through their ideas.

Common Purpose

Common Purpose is a change agent being used to recruit and train the commissars and apparatchiks needed to implement New Labour's hidden EU communitarian agenda.

In 1973 the UK joined the Common Market and in the 1975 referendum the people of Britain were conned into voting in favour of staying in the Common Market.

Prime Minister Heath, whose government entered into the accession treaty, and Prime Minister Wilson, who arranged the referendum, both knew that the Common Market was simply a stage in the development of the European Union.

At some point, those behind the take-over of Britain by the EU realised that they needed people whom they could trust to manage the new bureaucracy.

Enter Common Purpose, which was established to recruit and train the commissars and apparatchiks needed to run this bureaucracy.

New Labour's Hidden Agenda

Since 1997, the New Labour government has been working to two agendas. Firstly, the open agenda as laid out in their manifestos and secondly, their hidden agenda.

The objective of the hidden agenda of New Labour is the creation of a communitarian society controlled by the EU collective.

In order to achieve this objective, the New Labour government has been running a parallel administration made up of QUANGOs and fake charities. A fake charity is legally a charity but effectively operates as a government department, receiving a substantial amount of funding directly or indirectly from government and operating as a government department.

Common Purpose is a fraudulent 'educational charity' acting as a change agent and recruiter and is part of the management mechanism being used to carry out this hidden agenda of New Labour.

Whilst carrying out the hidden agenda of New Labour, Common Purpose has corruptly abused millions of pounds of taxpayers' money.

Common Purpose is guilty of defrauding YOU of YOUR money.

Some people think that Common Purpose is simply a criminal organisation set up to siphon off public money but there is a lot more than that to the Common Purpose agenda.

What is Common Purpose?

On the surface, Common Purpose is an educational charity, registered in the UK under number 1023384, that does leadership and networking development training.

However, Common Purpose is not what it appears to be on the surface.

In reality, Common Purpose is a corrupt, subversive, secretive and deeply sinister organisation with a hidden agenda (communitarian social control, corporate and EU state control) and hidden backers (Tavistock Institute, Fabian Society, Brussels).


Monday, January 4, 2010

EU and UN objectives in Romania EXACTLY the same as in the US?

Is EU redevelopment actually harming small farmers and changing the face of Romania's historical landscape?,,49058,85,00.html

Here's the UN fact sheet about Romania's Local Agenda 21 Plan

Here's the UN expansion plans for Local Agenda 21 in Romania:


1. To incorporate sustainable development principles into national and local strategies and action plans.

2. To create bottom-up links between national development priorities and local needs in the framework of a triple partnership between local government/business and community/citizens.

3. To enhance the local and regional capabilities for structural funds absorption.

4. To increase strategic planning capabilities.

5. To foster a participatory and multi-sectoral development planning process.

6. To achieve a new communication and organizational culture aimed at increased performances.

Achievements & Expected Results

1) To draft local plans for sustainable development of 35 Romanian territorial units.

2) To establish institutionalised mechanisms for regular consultations between local governments and CSOs on economic, social and environmental policies and programmes.

3) To increase capacity of local and county governments to identify, plan local development projects.

4) To improve the capacity of local and county governments to access structural funds.
Can't help ut wonder how many Romanians voted for adoption of LA 21, and how many were aware that Romania's ascension into the EU placed the entire country under the new global principles for communitarian law It's fairly easy to find attorneys in Romania who studied it, but impossible to find anything to show me their new LA21 "triple partnership" idea is any different than the public private partnerships with the Third Sector in the US. Wouldn't it be interesting to see what the Romanians would do to their latest leadership if the truth ever gets out that EU-LA21 communitarian sustainable development is a scam even bigger than communism ever was?

Communitarian Law is a one year post graduate program at the University of Oradea

Romania's Accession to the EU from a very interesting perspective, and again, this paper proves beyond a doubt what role the communitarian aquis plays in integration

Here's some very interesting papers published by university professors, including one that defends Hegelian Law Apparently grants are called "communitarian incomes" and "communitarian resources" in Romania, and there are "communitarian depositions" and "communitarian institutions" too. And of course they use the phrase "communitarian integration" just like every other EU member state. One paper begins: "
The harmonisation of the national legislation with the communitarian one, being an essential component in the process of Romania ’s integration in the European Union, imposed an approach of the new principles and rules even in the communitarian area. New regulations concerning the exertion of the right of free circulation and residence within the territory of Member States by EU citizens and members of their families, the right of permanent residence within the territory of Member States by EU citizens and members of their families, and the limits set for the above rights for reasons of public order, public safety or public health."

Kathy's fur hat

fully lined, recycled mink ruff, braided yarn ties
for my sister fishtaxi, with love

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Alaskan Yurts in the NYT

Stuart Isert for the New York Times
©2010 Stuart Isett/

Thanks to my sister fishtaxi for sending this link! She found a very recent New York Times article about a family who live in a $14,000.00 yurt in Seldovia. The maker of their yurt, Nomad Shelters, a Homer based manufacturer, have their yurts all over Alaska now. They've narrowed their line to one model, an Alaskan 4 season dwelling.

This is very good news for Gertee and yurt dwellers everywhere. Now, obviously, there's a political slant behind this article, and it wouldn't suprise me to learn these scientists are in the same league as WISE.

It's reassuring to see interior pictures of another Alaskans' yurt.. it's as cluttered as mine, filled with everything from snowpants to water jugs, uh huh! I really like their dome covers. They only have one layer on their walls though, and the article says it's below freezing when they wake up. They say they feed their fire every half hour or so, and with our insulation we feed ours every couple hours, even in 40 below. (It doesn't get this cold down where they live, Homer is on the other side of the state.). It was ten above in here when we "woked up" and 36 below outside. So, I think my model with interior wall covers over the khana holds a lot more heat. :)

Just think of the millions of people who saw this already and are now a bit more "open" to the idea of living in the round. People who can't afford the 14k will soon find out they can build one themselves for a fraction of the retail cost. I couldn't have paid for better exposure. Now I want to buy an ad for my Tutorial Package in the online Times!

Broadband, Yes, Toilet, No.

40 below in Kenny Lake

Here's a video I made last month of Tim skinning a 9 foot griz. Very graphic, not for the squeamish. I thought I'd throw it on here today to highlight the difference between Alaska and Kansas.

The winter garden

We can hear the trees popping

%Well it's 40 below and I don't give a f**k
there's a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo%
The Rodeo Song by Gary Lee and Showdown

Friday, January 1, 2010

the Cremation of Sam Mcgee by Robert Service

It's been hella cold here for days, barely up to 25 below right now as the sun's going down. Everytime I whine about wanting to be warm I think of this poem. Back in the 70s the gold miners used to have a Robert Service poetry night at the Malemute Saloon in Ester (where I later worked and had my wedding in 88). These gruff, usually quiet old men recited every poem by heart, and this one always seemed to be spoken with more passion than the rest of them! When I became a student at UMass, Amherst in the early 80s, I was asked to identify my favorite poet in my Middle English Writers class. I named Service and my professor said no, he wasn't a "real" poet and I had to choose somebody else. My response was to recite Spell of the Yukon and ask the class if it sounded like a poem to them. I only got a B in that class.

Robert Service (1874-1958)

The Cremation of Sam McGee

There are strange things done in the midnight sun
By the men who moil for gold;
The Arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;
The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest they ever did see
Was that night on the marge of Lake Lebarge
I cremated Sam McGee.

Now Sam McGee was from Tennessee, where the cotton blooms and blows.
Why he left his home in the South to roam 'round the Pole, God only knows.
He was always cold, but the land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell;
Though he'd often say in his homely way that "he'd sooner live in hell."

On a Christmas Day we were mushing our way over the Dawson trail.
Talk of your cold! through the parka's fold it stabbed like a driven nail.
If our eyes we'd close, then the lashes froze till sometimes we couldn't see;
It wasn't much fun, but the only one to whimper was Sam McGee.

And that very night, as we lay packed tight in our robes beneath the snow,
And the dogs were fed, and the stars o'erhead were dancing heel and toe,
He turned to me, and "Cap," says he, "I'll cash in this trip, I guess;
And if I do, I'm asking that you won't refuse my last request."

Well, he seemed so low that I couldn't say no; then he says with a sort of moan:
"It's the cursèd cold, and it's got right hold, till I'm chilled clean through to the bone.
Yet 'tain't being dead — it's my awful dread of the icy grave that pains;
So I want you to swear that, foul or fair, you'll cremate my last remains."

A pal's last need is a thing to heed, so I swore I would not fail;
And we started on at the streak of dawn; but God! he looked ghastly pale.
He crouched on the sleigh, and he raved all day of his home in Tennessee;
And before nightfall a corpse was all that was left of Sam McGee.

There wasn't a breath in that land of death, and I hurried, horror-driven,
With a corpse half hid that I couldn't get rid, because of a promise given;
It was lashed to the sleigh, and it seemed to say: "You may tax your brawn and brains,
But you promised true, and it's up to you, to cremate those last remains."

Now a promise made is a debt unpaid, and the trail has its own stern code.
In the days to come, though my lips were dumb, in my heart how I cursed that load.
In the long, long night, by the lone firelight, while the huskies, round in a ring,
Howled out their woes to the homeless snows — Oh God! how I loathed the thing.

And every day that quiet clay seemed to heavy and heavier grow;
And on I went, though the dogs were spent and the grub was getting low;
The trail was bad, and I felt half mad, but I swore I would not give in;
And I'd often sing to the hateful thing, and it hearkened with a grin.

Till I came to the marge of Lake Lebarge, and a derelict there lay;
It was jammed in the ice, but I saw in a trice it was called the "Alice May."
And I looked at it, and I thought a bit, and I looked at my frozen chum;
Then "Here," said I, with a sudden cry, "is my cre-ma-tor-eum."

Some planks I tore from the cabin floor, and I lit the boiler fire;
Some coal I found that was lying around, and I heaped the fuel higher;
The flames just soared, and the furnace roared — such a blaze you seldom see;
And I burrowed a hole in the glowing coal, and I stuffed in Sam McGee.

Then I made a hike, for I didn't like to hear him sizzle so;
And the heavens scowled, and the huskies howled, and the wind began to blow.
It was icy cold, but the hot sweat rolled down my cheeks, and I don't know why;
And the greasy smoke in an inky cloak went streaking down the sky.

I do not know how long in the snow I wrestled with grisly fear;
But the stars came out and they danced about ere again I ventured near;
I was sick with dread, but I bravely said: "I'll just take a peep inside.
I guess he's cooked, and it's time I looked"; ... then the door I opened wide.

And there sat Sam, looking cool and calm, in the heart of the furnace roar;
And he wore a smile you could see a mile, and said: "Please close that door.
It's fine in here, but I greatly fear, you'll let in the cold and storm —
Since I left Plumtree, down in Tennessee, it's the first time I've been warm."

There are strange things done in the midnight sun
By the men who moil for gold;
The Arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;
The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest they ever did see
Was that night on the marge of Lake Lebarge
I cremated Sam McGee.

The above poem can be found, for example, in:
  • Service, Robert. The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses. New York:
    Barse & Hopkins Publishers, 1907.
  • Gross, John, ed. The Oxford Book of Comic Verse. New York:
    Oxford University Press, 1995.
  • What is Communitarian Balancing?

    Henry Makow, Ph.D sent me a complimentary, signed copy of his latest book, "Illuminati, the Cult That Hijacked the World." Nordica and I both dove into it and loved every bit we read so far. Henry has the ability to write about the most insane aspects of the nwo, and now that I have seen the evidence that proves to me that Lucifer worship is part and parcel of the entire WISE and National Park Service training programs in Alaska, it's past time I took the whole Satanic piece as seriously as I've taken every other piece that's substantiated with verifiable evidence.

    I used to be somewhat distrustful of Makow (as with many others) because he does not write about communitarianism. He does what Jerri Lynn Ball (Time Bomb) did, and uses the words communism and communitarianism as if they are the same. But I used to do that myself in the beginning and when I was trying to explain it, so obviously it's easier and may just be a stage we go through in attempting to grasp the full concept of communitarianism. Go ahead, try to tell somebody on the "right" that capitalism is half the equation and watch what happens to you. :)

    At some point I realized that not everyone can make room in their studies for every topic,. It's unfair for me to make assumptions about anyone who sticks their neck out and writes about any aspect of the nwo. Each of us has to find our own way through the millions of diversions before we get to the bottom line. What's evident is how many different paths lead to the exact same conclusions. And whereas I avoided writing about the Protocols and the Luciferian beliefs of the comms, Henry devoted much of his research time to these extremely difficult and somewhat dangerous topics. He notes in his book that the Jewish Congress in Canada has accused him of being a "hate" site and wants the government to make him delete every reference to Jews. Makow himself is a Jew who refuses to identify with Israel or associate himself with the Talmudic Zionists working with the Freemasons and the Christians to establish the nwo. If they succeed in destroying his website the world will lose a very important voice, not to mention the loss of freedom of conscience and speech that Makow represents for all Canadians. Whether you agree with him or don't, his right to publish his research is a fundamental freedom in a free society. This whole "hate law" scheme is a powerful weapon the nwo plans to use against all of us.

    For a "Christian nation" Americans sure have a block against anyone researching Luciferian influences on America, don't they? Ten years ago I refused to read anything that even hinted of the so-called International Jewish Bankers conspiracy. The term reminded me of Hitler (as it is supposed to do). But I followed the money, so eventually I had to include the Rothschilds Bank of England, because they financed the New Clinton Democrats and the Ultimate Third Way in 1990. Then I had to include Zionism and the Talmud and the Cabbala because that's Etzioni. Anyway, Makow starts right in with the Cabbalistic Freemasonry piece, and he goes on from there. This looks to be very much like a book I will be able to cite as a reference.

    Here's an older ACL article I kind of forgot about that's been getting a lot of hits lately. I was going to call it "What is CHUD (creepy horrible underground dwellers) Law?" I don't know how many of the links are still good, but it's interesting to see how I wrote about it just three years ago. I've learned so much more since then, I would never write this today, but it still stands.

    So what kind of law will require Americans to be strip searched before they board a plane?

    What is Communitarian Law?

    by Niki Raapana, December 2, 2006, (work in progress, last revised 12/04/06)

    Before you form an opinion about a new Act of Congress or a revision to Municipal Codes that will somehow modify the laws designed to protect you, your family, your land, your home, and your resources, listen first for the buzzword "balancing."

    Communitarian laws are always called a "necessary balancing" that furthers the "common good." Communitarianism is the foundation for the establishment of a global federation. Communitarian Law, by definition is always SUPREME law. The law itself requires "member" states in the United Nations (all 192 of them) to modify their political and legal structures to comply with global law. Nothing can exist that contradicts communitarian law, such as national or state constitutional law.

    As Associazione Uomini Casalinghi explains, "It is the Court of Justice of Luxemburg which has this power, based currently on the texts of the different Treaties of Amsterdam, Maastricht and Nice. When the new European Constitution is adopted, it will serve as its basis. Its content is therefore vital. Everything concerning "communitarian law" comes under the Court of Justice of Luxemburg."

    Communitarian law is also called Community Law.

    Community law: "Law of the member states of the European Union, as adopted by the Council of Ministers. The European Court of Justice interprets and applies EU law. Community law forms part of the law of states and prevails over national law. In the UK, community law became effective after enactment of the European Communities Act 1972." (posted by Free Dictionary by Farlex).

    Communitarian Law is the justice system for the emerging world government. The law was introduced across the world very slowly, in what is often called incremental stages or gradualism. This new law regulates all nations (and their citizens) who are engaged in the global "free" market. It represents the interests of the corporate community in each former nation. The new law balances (over-rules) all national laws that conflict with the expanding sustainable development and War on Terror-Rebuilding Community agenda. (see: Agenda 21).

    In order for everyone to evolve into a "global citizen," everyone must first embrace global communitarian values. These values are the exact opposite of liberty and justice for all. Communitarian values requires an agreement to allow the sacrifice of common born individuals for the "common good." Common born people have no choice in whether or not they become the actual sacrificed individuals. Most ignorant commoners can be convinced they are not in the common born category. Each citizen is made to think their group are the "chosen" people... chosen for something really special, like saving the world or bringing world peace.

    This new "balancing" of capitalism and communism is the final corruption of the basic principles for freedom established by the American colonial revolutionaries in the eighteenth century. Introduced to the world in the mid-eighteenth century by European scholars, theologians, and aristocrats, today communitarianism is sold to the masses under the guise of more moral and "Politically Correct" thinking. Today, because most Americans were clueless about any of the plans to change their entire political system, every U.S. Agency is committed to Sustainable Development (communitarianism) and we all take orders from the Department of Homeland Security.

    All Communitarian systems evolve slowly under careful and steady manipulation (see: Fabian Socialism). Natural political evolution is a completely bogus theory founded on nothing but elitist pipe dreams. All political changes in the world today are orchestrated and played out by carefully trained dialectical thinkers. This includes ALL acts of terrorism dating back before the eighteenth century. The "thinkers" academic lineage is unbroken and can be traced directly to their modernized factions. Communitarians have posed as Islamic fundamentalists, Christian ministers, New Age Gurus, Right-wing (Aryan) militias, gangs, drug dealers, American attorneys, and "art students."

    If we look close enough we can see almost every elected representative in the USA has embraced communitarianism. Most obvious changes are in the departmental strucutures of the federal bureacracy. The proposed Military Tribunals are communitarian in make-up, and all public discussion of this will include the term "balancing" and insist there is a "debate" between individual liberty and national security. But the actual terms of the debate will never make the legal rounds for constitutional amendments. Congress alone is being asked to make the final dialectical choice between individual freedom and national security. Yet, as any simpleton can understand, a nation formed to protect individual liberty would make protecting individual liberty the highest form of national security.

    Americans can interpret every action their federal government takes to ensure National Security actually protects the International Security of the Emerging Supra-Naional Global Government. This enormous system has so many levels and so many organizations their names would fill the NYC telephone book. Regular citizens who attempt a redress of grievances from the Global Government will never make it through the maze of officers who keep sending them "someplace else." Everyone on the bottom of the system is only "following orders."

    Since way before WWI, Europe has been the testing ground for creating the legal structure. All the courts and councils and revised constitutions have to be completely operational and effective before the final implementation of communitarian law in the United States. The rejection of the European Constitution by the French and Dutch voters in 2005 granted a short window of opportunity to the American people wishing to restore their national supremacy of law. It would surely follow historical precedence if the Americans were once again assisted in obtaining their individual freedom from the Empire by the Netherlands and France.

    The European Union is the Western "democratic" model for establishing a world government. China and Russia are the Eastern Models.

    "The most relevant model for the incremental establishment of a global federation may be the European Union, which politically unites a large group of widely diverse, some formerly hostile, nations spread over a large geographical area. The EU, which is still evolving, already has many attributes of a federal government, such as open internal borders, a directly elected parliament, a court system and a centralized economic policy."

    "The EU's lead is being followed by the African Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the South American Community of Nations. A multitude of regional associations, aggregating most nations of the world, are at different stages of development towards a growing extent of economic, and sometimes political, integration."(

    Communitarian rules, regulations, and directives "balance" individual citizen's rights against the "health and safety" of the global community. This is the new "Supreme" Law. Since nobody can define what exactly the "common good" is, the new system grants a dictatorial right to creative enforcement to unelected, appointed councils and their international advisors. It's basically a free pass to write and enforce any new law they want, no matter how stupid. If it properly balances rights it will automatically over-rule all national and state constitutional laws that protect individual liberty. That's the price we pay for "security."

    In spite of all the "debates" over the constitution versus the War on Terror, many national citizens hold firm to their national laws that were intended to protect individuals from corrupt international and lower-level government agencies. Good thing they don't know any more than what their "healthy insticts" tell them. The whole system would collapse if American voters understood Communitarian law is International Law. The very real (and pressing) problem with the actual law (and its founding Hegelian-Marxist legal concepts) is imposition of communitarian law in the United States violates the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

    The new law represents a One World Government with many branches of unseen power. Their new civil society "rules" come from many different sources. Some come down the traditional roads from our state and federal congresses. Others come via Presidential Executive Orders. Still others are buried inside trade and development "agreements," "momorandums," "resolutions," and Initiatives. Sometimes the law just becomes the new mission statement of a federal or state government agency, which then proceeds to adopt and enforce communitarian laws without ever explaining the legal concept to the victims of the new enforcement actions. National and state justices have a primary role in implementing the new laws, and lawyers who establish communitarian precendent and case law are extremely important tools. Most American attorneys who defend common clients accused of communitarian "crimes" are far too uneducated and unprepared to present an adequate defense.

    Once it has been "approved" by the national governments (or their appointed representatives), supreme global law totally controls the lives and activities of the "common" people. It assumes collective, State ownership of all "common" land. It regulates and directs all production, consumption, and trade. Communitarian law governs the international marketplace (and everything and everyone in it). Advanced American lawyers are taught lovely slogans and how to negotiate international deals within their local communities. In that little backward, war-torn country called Serbia, their law students are taught the "Primary sources of communitarian law are: establishing contracts, international agreements among EU-member-states and international agreements between Community and non-member-states or international organizations. Secondary legislature of EU are: regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions."

    Emergence and development of institutions of the European integrations and sources of law of the European Union by Varga Siniša Strani pravni život 2002, No. 1-3, pp. 157-177 (article in Serbian) Abstract: "EU is a stage in the process of European integration. Realized in dynamical sense EU was established under influence of ideas of European movements, in conditions of a hard economical situation and intricate political relationships. The first European community was established in Paris on 18th April 1951. It was European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The other European communities were established in Rome on 25th march 1957. Those are European Economic Community and EUROATOM. EU was established by Treaty on European Union that was signed in Mastricht, a small Netherlands's town, on 7th February 1992. It was done a reform of European communities by Treaty on EU as well. There had already been reforms of EC. The most important was this one done by Single European Act (1986). Last reform of EC that described in the article was done by Treaty of Amsterdam (1997). Institutions of EU are: European parliament, Council, Commission, Court of Justice and Financial court. Council is not the same as European Council, a political body regulated by Treaty of EU. First instance court was added to Court of Justice on 1989. Consultative bodies of EU are: Economic - social Committee and Regional Committee. An important financial institution of EU is European investment bank. Organ for administrative control is Ombudsman. Sources of EU law are divided on primary and secondary ones. Primary sources of communitarian law are: establishing contracts, international agreements among EU-member-states and international agreements between Community and non-member-states or international organizations. Secondary legislature of EU are: regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions. There may exist sui generis legal acts. Particularly mentioned: general legal principles and precedents. At the end author concludes that EU law has a supremacy above national law of member states."

    The University of Oregon Law School at Eugene has the oldest Commmunitarian Law Program in the United States, but typical of the way it's being hidden from the purposefully dumbed down Americans, Eugene's School of Law doesn't identify the law they teach as communitarian law. Communitarian Law is just not a term these reformed communists want to throw into the public arena. It's not good for the common good if the common man finds out he is a designated slave for the good of the collective. The American people can never be told international environmental law is based in communism. Pragmatic Americans would fire the new generation of graduating environmental lawyers or put them to work cleaning up the mess they've made of the American political environment. "The UO Law Program is leading the way among law schools in exploring global pressures on the environment and international mechanisms to address them."-J. William Futrell, Environmental Law Institute. UO Law School- pdf brochure.

    In Portugal, (another "almost" communist country) 5th year students in Accounting and Administration study Communitarian Law. Here's a sample of what educated European elites are studying these days, from the project in Romaina: "- February - June 2001 - Course of specialization in European communitarian law organized by the Center of Economic and Administrative Preparation, Bucharest University (the subject of the diploma paper is "The European Commission")- 2001-2002 - Post university course about "Communitarian Law" organized by the Law Faculty, Bucharest University (diploma paper on "Romano Prodi`s Commission") - 2003-2004 - Post university course on "The history of the EU" organized by the History Faculty, Bucharest University - 2003-2005 - Master's course on "Communitarian law and European studies" at the Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest University (dissertation paper on "Common Foreign & Security Policy")

    The entire theory of the "need" for international law and the authority for global governance is based in the dialectical ideology of constant conflict and resolution. (Which is why we spent so much time disecting Hegel's dialectic.) This theory justifies "balancing" the rights of individuals protected by national law against the corporate-fascist international community. Often called the more "moral" law, its roots are found in British, Dutch, French, Austrian, Romainian, Chech, Polish, German, Soviet, Chinese, European, American, Catholic, Protestant, and Israeli communist writings. It's possible the reason the ACL has been unable to get the editors at Wikipedia to include Communitarian Law under the section titled communitarianism is because Communitarian Law is, for all intents and purposes, Communism with a "friendlier capitalist face."

    A blueprint for what's called "central planning," this is the supreme law used by the emerging world government bodies and affiliates who are busily Rebuilding the World. Sustainable Development concepts always over-rules any national law that conflicts with communitarian economic principles and moral values. Historical (unevolved) communitarian principles are detailed in a document called The Communist Manifesto.

    Integration into a "supranational" organization like the EU and the WTO requires member states to modify their national laws under a new communitarian legal code. In the United States, communitarian changes to constitutional law are "evolving" quietly across the land. The change has been steadily ongoing for several decades, and with the full implementation of UN Local Agenda 21 the U.S. will be completly reformed.

    In the U.S. there are many varieties of Communitarian Law, and often they are not defined as such. The key to identifying an unconstitutional communitarian law is ANY new law that curtails individual liberty in the name of the "community" or the "common good." These and any other terms that define America as a "collective" or part of the "global community" are communist-communitarian terms used to trick free people into becoming slaves for the State. Protecting the "common good" and promoting "democracy" was the goal of the international communists in the late 19th century and it is the exact same ultimate goal of the emerging "more moral" world government.

    The U.S. is being merged into a Council on Foreign Relations' Plan to eliminate the U.S. under a new regional government called the North American Union. The "model" legislation for the integration policies is the European Union (see: CAFTA, the EU and Communitarian Law). While the rest of the world is handing out Master's degrees in Communitarian Law, the U.S. (home of the free and the brave) hasn't got the first clue what's happening to their beloved "Rule of Law." Many Americans point to one law or another (like the Patriot Act) as treason, but they never identify these unconstitutional laws for what they really are. Which also means there is no organized attempt, none what-so-ever, to identify and expose communitarian laws as treasonous actions against the legitimate government, i.e. the "people." American attorneys refuse to even discuss it with their own clients who've been charged with communitarian "crimes." Maybe we all need to take the new laws more seriously.

    Taking Law Seriously: Communitarian Search and Seizure by D Schuman, American Criminal Law Review Volume:27 Issue:4 Dated:(1990) Pages:583-617: "Abstract: The law of search and seizure deriving from traditional liberal-individualism is expressed in current U.S. Supreme Court cases. Liberal-individualism focuses on individuals and regards them as rights-bearing entities whose social and political bonds are instrumental, temporary, intentionally-forged, incidental aids to be exploited in pursuit of personal goals. Communitarianism conceives of public policy as the result of a deliberative process seeking to discover a common vision of good. It conceives of the State as an enabling and constitutive body and not as a limiting or threatening one and de-emphasizes pre-political individual rights as fallback provisions grounded in tradition and consensus. In the State of Oregon, an evolving law of search and seizure suggests that communitarian precepts can be translated into workable and coherent State constitutional doctrine."

    Communitarian law is also called International Development Law.

    "What is the Rule of Law? By Helen Yu and Alison Guernsey, the University of Iowa Center for Finance and International Development: "Economic growth, political modernization, the protection of human rights, and other worthy objectives are all believed to hinge, at least in part, on 'the rule of law.'"--World Bank, The Rule of Law as a Goal of Development Policy. Under Section C. Law & Development: Legal Transplantation: "The term "legal transplantation" describes the phenomenon of borrowing legal rules from other countries. Academic debates often center on the moral and practical implications of legal transplantation and, by extension, the imposition of the rule of law. Many developing countries, including China, Russia, Turkey and Japan, since the early 1900s, had varying legal traditions of their own. When developing countries such as these adopt laws from other countries, the rules borrowed may not fit the underlying tradition, culture, and social context of the developing country. For example, Western democracies tend to focus on individual liberties, which many people associate with capitalism. Consequently, the Western notion of what constitutes the rule of law reflects this world-view. Other legal structures, however, may emphasize communitarian duties and responsibilities."

    The Chinese and Soviet communist-communitarian governments are the experts in defining Communitarian duties and responsibilities. (The more moral Dr. Etzioni modified this for his American audience, the Network calls it "Rights and Responsibilities.")

    Offsite News, Studies, and Courses About Communitarian Law

    Check out Wikipedia's New World Order (Conspiracy) page. It expanded to include "Other new world order theorists see the conspiracy at work in globalization, or in the various intellectual movements evolved from Marxism, ranging from social democracy to the Frankfurt School. These are thought to be intended to homogenize cultures and values by political normalization, as in the European Union and African Union's gradual "communitarian construction" scheme of a common economic and legal framework." This slight reference to the ACL is listed under Historical Manipulations.

    The History of Communitarian Law and the European Union: Declaration of 9 May 1950:"This is the full text of the proposal, which was presented by the French foreign minister Robert Schuman and which led to the creation of what is now the European Union."

    From we found an Irish Open Letter to TDs/Senators re tomorrow's "Europe Day" Dail debate: What they may not know about the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950. Free Europe also provided us with a quote we used in the CAFTA article: "One must act 'as if' in Europe: as if one wanted only very few things, in order to obtain a great deal. As if nations were to remain sovereign, in order to convince them to surrender their sovereignty. The Commission in Brussels, for example, must act as if it were a technical organism, in order to operate like a government ... and so on, camouflaging and toning down. The sovereignty lost at national level does not pass to any new subject. It is entrusted to a faceless entity: NATO, the UN and eventually the EU. The Union is the vanguard of this changing world: it indicates a future of Princes without sovereignty. The new entity is faceless and those who are in command can neither be pinned down nor elected ... That is the way Europe was made too: by creating communitarian organisms without giving the organisms presided over by national governments the impression that they were being subjected to a higher power.// That is how the Court of Justice as a supra-national organ was born. It was a sort of unseen atom bomb, which Schuman and Monnet slipped into the negotiations on the Coal and Steel Community. That was what the 'CSC' itself was: a random mixture of national egotisms which became communitarian. I don't think it is a good idea to replace this slow and effective method - which keeps national States free from anxiety while they are being stripped of power - with great institutional leaps - Therefore I prefer to go slowly, to crumble pieces of sovereignty up litle by little, avoiding brusque transitions from national to federal power. That is the way I think we will have to build Europe's common policies..." - Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato, later Vice-President of the EU Constitutional Convention, interview with Barbara Spinelli, La Stampa, 13 July 2000.

    The Reign of Law, an Acquis Communautaire to acquire by Julien THERON, November 2005.

    "But we are already making the second step: another continental conference in June to decide for a communitarian law that settles and sanctions phenomenons like racism, islamophobia and anti-Semitism." Franco Frattini, vice president of the EU Commission, announces a summit in Vienna with all religious muslim leaders "Together with the Imams against terror" by Gabriele Canè, Il Resto del Carlino - 25 february 2006 Frontpage + p. 2+3

    I tried to find the above summit, instead I found this: Journalists discuss racism in the media at EUMC media seminar at the European Monitoring Centre (EUMC) on Racism and Xenophobia. The EU has a Fundamental Rights Agency. Comining soon to a country near you: "The Commission proposes the establishment of a European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. The Agency will be an independent centre of expertise on fundamental rights issues through data collection, analysis and networking. It will advise the Union institutions and the Member States on how best to prepare or implement fundamental rights related Union legislation." The website discussing public hearings on the "study" says: "The hearing was opened by Franco Frattini, Vice President of the European Commission, Luc Frieden, Minister of Justice of Luxembourg, and Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Chairman of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs."

    And here's Etzioni's "idea" for "Diversity With Unity" published by the EUMC.

    The Communitarian Network at George Washington University, D.C.

    The Communitarian Essay Contest ended, and Niki Raapana's essay did not win (this reprint is unformatted.) TAKING RESPONSIBILITY by Robert M. Ackerman took second place with this opening line: " Communitarians have suggested that our self-seeking tendencies must sometimes be set aside in pursuit of the common good."

    The New Golden Rule: Community and Morality In a Democratic Society.(Book Review) Source: Global Virtue Ethics Review, Publication Date: 01-JAN-03, Author: Brannon, Pamela T. "Laws: The question may be asked, are laws necessary in the good society? The answer is yes, for two reasons: first, laws are "expressive of the community's values. Second, communitarian law helps maintain the social order by dealing with those who disregard the moral voice (p. 146)." A social order based more on shared values and moral voices than on the government is close to being a society that reflects the new golden rule."

    Complex Democracy and the Obligation to Obey the Law by Agustín José Menéndez, ARENA. See also: Globalisation and Democracy* by Erik Oddvar Eriksen, ARENA, The Future Soul of Europe: Nationalism or Just Patriotism? A Critique of David Miller's defence of Nationality by Andreas Føllesdal, ARENA, University of Osloand, and Towards a World Domestic Policy by Erik Oddvar Eriksen: "Abstract- According to Jürgen Habermas, the principle of popular sovereignty is about to be transformed into a law for the citizens of the world. Partly this is due to the non-institutionalized form of human rights politics, which has lead to the creation of political institutions above the nation state. Partly it is due to globalisation that challenges the autonomy and sovereignty of the nation-state. Politico-judicial bodies on the supra-national level are required in order to catch up with economic globalisation and to secure impartial law enforcement in case human rights violations. Consistent with the discourse theoretical reconstruction of international relations there is a tension between international law's recognition of sovereign states and the regulative idea of equal rights for all, which is reflected in an actual opposition between democracy and law, and between foreign and domestic policy. The autonomy of the state is being undermined by international human rights politics, due to the taming of the will power of the nation state. Hence there is a cosmopolitan law in the making.

    And I know this is long, but see if you can find the U.S. system in this working paper: The Question of Deliberative Supranationalism in the EU by Erik O. Eriksen, ARENA, University of Oslo.

    Section Law and Communitarian Studies by the Association of American Law Schools.

    Communitarianism vs. Individualism: Constitutionalism in Namibia and South Africa| by Adrien K. Wing, 295. University of Wisconsin Law School.

    USEFUL LINKS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION includes a link to Communitarian Law.

    For countries facing open communist-nationalist takeovers, "benign" communitarian membership looks pretty good. Portugal and the EU Before Accession: "The European Union Brought to Portugal Enormous Benefits Allowing to Improve Life Conditions for Most of the Population, the Political Environment and Stability and Companies Competitiveness and Innovation.// The Portuguese Communitarian Integration Was One of the Most Remarkable Periods of Portuguese Development History. It Helped Changing Mentalities, Opening Society, Improving Infrastructures, Macroeconomic Stabilization, Opening of the Financial System, Liberalization of the Capitals Market, Modernization of Productive Procedures and Companies, Educational System and Administration Reforms."

    researching european law - a basic introduction by John Furlong and Susan Doe,CALL Conference, St. Johns, Newfoundland, May 2005.

    The 'International Community': Facing the Challenge of Globalization by Bruno Simma* and Andreas L. Paulus**,*Professor of International and European Community Law. Institut für Internationales Recht - Völkerrecht. Ludwig-Maximillans-Universität, Professor-Huber-Platz 2, D-80539 München. Germany: member of the Editorial Board. ** Institut für Internationales Recht - Völkerrecht, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.


    Human Rights and Courts By CARDONA FERREIRA, President of the Portuguese Supreme Court of Justice: "Meanwhile and concerning the European Union, the Court of Justice and the Court of 1st Instance, both settled in Luxembourg, continued their activity, keeping up with the growth of influence of the Communitarian Law. The influence of jurisprudence is so significant that many people know by "Bosman Law", followed without discussion, what is only a decision of the Court of Justice, concerning a person called Bosnian."

    Law for Biological Corridors of Puerto Rico - 1999 "The flourishing of the communitarian initiatives in forest conservation provoked the government of Puerto Rico to approve law #14, law unifying the Maricao, Susua, Toro Negro, Guilarte and Pueblo forests, on January 9, 1999. This law demands to the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources to identify lands between these forests and trace two biological corridors that unite them, mark buffer zones, and determine ways to conserve and acquire them."

    The General Principles of the Law in the European Communitarian Law Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU.

    Vaccination and other altruistic medical treatments: should autonomy or communitarianism prevail? by Pywell S., Faculty of Law, University of Hertfordshire, UK.

    Communitarianism and law and order by Gordon Hughes for Critical Social Policy, Vol. 16, No. 49, 17-41 (1996) DOI: 10.1177/026101839601604902 © 1996 Critical Social Policy Ltd.

    Researching French Law By Stéphane Cottin and Jérôme Rabenou, Published May 2005, Hauser Global Law School Program, New York University School of Law.

    Communitarianism in Law and Society Series: Rights and Responsibilities: Communitarian Perspectives, By Paul van Seters, Tilburg University.

    Kyushu University Faculty of Law and Ludwig-Maximilian University (Munich) Law Faculty's Joint Research Program

    Projects in Progress.

    Data protection and communitarian law by Maria Angeles Chacon Sanchez, Abogado in Sevilla.

    Presentation by Dr Jan Mazak, President of the Slovak Constitutional Court, 10/21/2004. (This is old, we used it before but it's still very useful.)

    Criminal Law and Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, Università degli Studi di Verona.

    European Court of Justice crosses the Rubicon November 2006 blogspot by Iacta alea est.

    Robert Schuman Application of the Andean Communitarian Law - by Eric Tremolada

    Presidential Assassinations and Attempts, and a Typical Motorcade by John T. Marck.