Monday, June 1
Made 4 more crates last night, adding them to this post since it's all the same topic, heh. I'm sure there are people who are confused by my sharing pictures of every project I attempt. But these projects are how I survive and it's good to get feedback and "test" the market on people who don't come here to shop. I absolutely appreciate all the gertee feedback so far, and if I can get that up and going this summer I will. The minis are a more immediate possibility for a small income over the summer and I'm so thrilled to have a store to put them in I've been working day and day (the sun barely sets here now).
I've been contacted by another Ph.D., this one's a community builder who's concerned that their organization may become co-opted by the communitarians. He's asked me to help him understand their language so that he can avoid their traps. I've barely had time to write lately but I agreed to correspond with him because he asked very nicely and I believe he''s sincere. I haven't heard back from Professor Wong, I suppose I should have held off blasting his entire premise for his theory until he got to know me a little better. All these Ph.D.'s and university regulars do make me think that I should get an honorary degree out of all this some day, or that someday I might be invited to teach an anticommunitarian seminar somewhere for real pay. :) Until then, I'll just keep making minis and gertees and do the best I can with what I have.

Teas from TJunction in a whole new style

This is out of recycled drainboard, holds 8 jars
I'll make these for all the large sets

This one has a perfect bottom
(which was a total waste of time since you can't see it!)

I still love my little bears

Should I brew home beer and fill the jars with it?
original post followsHandmade Alaskan Gifts

New room scene under construction

Cheap souvenier pictures (not made in China)

My first crate model

Second crate model made with a saw
Olive oil, sea salt, Balsamic, Sesame oil, herbs
Made a 2x2' model "mini store" for the Merc this summer. In addition to my hutch and room boxes, the store features 2ml bottles with corks filled with Alaskan wildcrafted balms, lotions, tinctures, and oils prepared by Catherine Fletcher-Gilbert of TJunction. We're also filling some bottles with our own locally picked rose hips, dill weed, parsley, yarrow and savory in olive oil. The Alaskan Red Salmon Spice Racks have dried garlic, onion, dill and seasoning salt.

Mall display for TJunction

Store display for Red Salmon Seasonings

Made a display shelf for individual bottles