Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why I can never support Ron or Rand Paul

Wouldn't you assume that politicians devoted to frequent use of the word Liberty would also keep a close eye on any expanding, pervasive political ideology that extinguishes liberty at its core?

Are we who live for our liberty to become completely communitarianized without ever having even a minor public voice in this most wrenching of political transformations? Why is it that almost every American group associated with the word Liberty is clueless about communitarianism? I might dare to suggest now that maybe their role ends when the ultimate synthesis is complete. Naaaahhh. That's too Hegelian.


  1. I think you hit the nail on the head. However, when claiming no support for the Paul family, realize that for most people that means you are supporting either a well-known Republican or Democrat (as if there's a difference) politician, instead. Thanks to people's mindsets these days, the world is black or white, and never another color.

  2. That never occurred to me. I'm so out of touch with people's mindsets. I guess that's why most people never find their way here. :)

  3. Hello Niki, I heard you on Jeff Rense. Just to let you know, you are not alone in the woods and the cold. Everything you said about the cold and the logs that are a bit thick to cut, thats me. My chain saw was stolen, so I cut by hand. I don't get the same degree of cold, but I had a metre of snow and minus 20 celsius. I wear a wolley hat in bed. Anyway, I took a look at your site. I have heard talk of communitarianism but I have not paid too much attention to it until I heard you talking about it. It's a fright. I write a bit, I go after the bankers mainly. They are the ones behind it all. Inspired by what you said, I wrote a quick post. I had hardly published it when I got a comment, giving me a ping back from ngo, Do you know if this is a genuine UN site?

  4. i'm not sure even how to find out, but some of my readers can.....

    and it is nice to know somebody else wakes up with the same hairdo i get from wearing a hat to bed. :)

    good post too... thank you.
