Sunday, July 19, 2009

Gertee's new shower and garden delights

Justice wants my fox hat!

Gertee shower addition

Fireweed by the garden

Putting up the shower roofring
Balanced the stool upside down on the top of the ladder and put the roofring really carefully balanced on top of the stool, then placed the poles in their holes and hooked them very slowly to the tension cable. Didn't drop one beam on my head.

Garden in mid July

Shower gertee attached to back door
Ugly on the outside, lovely inside

Snap peas

Mustard greens salad from the garden

Soaked leaves and flowers in olive oil, balsamic vinegar, cinnamon, pepper, basil and sea salt


  1. Hi Niki

    I like the shower.

    Glad the garden is looking well.


  2. A shower? OMG. Luxury! Way to go Niki!


  3. The cinnamon in the salad was an inspired touch, to be sure, as it worked quite nicely with the rich, complex but mellow, flavors of the balsamic vinegar. The "bite" and smell of the basil... seemed to dance joyfully... with the flavors of the leaves and flowers... on one's tongue... while the sea salt... reminded one of our common connectedness to the oceans... its juxtaposition playing itself harmoniously... in conspicuous contrast... to the sweetness inherent in the vinegar. The oil-sap of the olive... lent mouth-feel... and a certain luxury... helping to "round out" any disparate qualities... which could be perceived as inharmonious... to the dish's final coming-together.

    The crispness of this earthen provender... matched the crispness of the air... you breathed in. And so too the sounds... of peppery leaves and flowers... orchestrated a kind of symphony... on the brains... of all who met at your table. The colors... imbued in everyone there... a sense of gladness... of cheer... and of brightness... for the precious moments to be lived... in the coming days ahead.

    A work of freshness and fine art indeed! A gift from the heart! I give it five stars, Niki... without any reservations... in the slightest.

    P.S. - Have you read any M.F.K. Fisher in your time? ;)
